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Starred repositories
exfatprogs / exfatprogs
Forked from namjaejeon/exfatprogsexFAT filesystem userspace utilities
Fix Play Integrity (and SafetyNet) verdicts, allowing custom fields and props
adefossez / demucs
Forked from facebookresearch/demucsCode for the paper Hybrid Spectrogram and Waveform Source Separation
cognitive-engineering-lab / rust-book
Forked from rust-lang/bookThe Rust Programming Language: Experimental Edition
forkgram / tdesktop
Forked from telegramdesktop/tdesktopFork of Telegram Desktop messaging app.
lydell / compiler
Forked from elm/compilerCompiler for Elm, a functional language for reliable webapps.
dzuk-mutant / elm-css
Forked from rtfeldman/elm-cssTyped CSS in Elm. (New and improved version of the original package)
Deploy an elm HTTP API to AWS Lambda using serverless
Elm RealWorld example application architected with the Effect pattern.
Tarrasch / zsh-functional
Forked from yogsototh/zsh_functionalHigher order functions for zsh
jibsen / pngwolf-zopfli
Forked from hoehrmann/pngwolf`pngwolf` uses a genetic algorithm to find PNG scanline filter combinations that compress well
somini / vim-textobj-fold
Forked from kana/vim-textobj-foldVim plugin: Text objects for foldings
bennyyip / vim-yapf
Forked from rhysd/vim-clang-formatVim plugin for yapf, a formatter for Python.
mnauw / git-remote-hg
Forked from felipec/git-remote-hgTransparent bidirectional bridge between Git and Mercurial for Git
softmoth / zsh-vim-mode
Forked from sharat87/zsh-vim-modeFriendly bindings for ZSH's vi mode
zen-kernel / zen-kernel
Forked from torvalds/linuxZen Patched Kernel Sources
debauchee / barrier
Forked from deskflow/deskflowOpen-source KVM software
Nvidia Prime without rebooting (BSD style license)
odeke-em / drive
Forked from rakyll/driveGoogle Drive client for the commandline
Aetf / kmscon
Forked from dvdhrm/kmsconLinux KMS/DRM based virtual Console Emulator
taylorskalyo / sshrc
Forked from danrabinowitz/sshrcBring your config files with you
The Sans companion to the serifed Merriweather
LaTeX-Box-Team / LaTeX-Box
Forked from vim-scripts/LaTeX-BoxLightweight Toolbox for LaTeX - New Official repository
lumiliet / vim-twig
Forked from evidens/vim-twigTwig syntax highlighting, snipMate, auto-indent, etc.
gkz / vim-ls
Forked from satyr/vim-cocoLiveScript support for Vim
othree / yajs.vim
Forked from jelera/vim-javascript-syntaxYAJS.vim: Yet Another JavaScript Syntax for Vim
kiss local vimrc with hash protection
Make scrolling in Vim more pleasant