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66 lines (49 loc) · 3.39 KB

File metadata and controls

66 lines (49 loc) · 3.39 KB
  • Keep it simple. Simplify things as much as you can. Only make them complex if it’s truly necessary.

    • In controllers, we can call repositories for simple operations like CRUD. For operations that have business logic, the code to handle that business logic should be separated on services.
    • We don't apply soft delete in the system, and not cascade delete (except for many-to-many tables). Whenever there is a database constraint exception, show a message to tell users that they need to delete all the children before delete the parent.
  • Keep the list of third-party libraries as small as possible.

  • Dead code or Zombie code should be removed

  • Git practices

    • Pull request should be small
    • Delete branch once pull request merged
    • Include #issueId in comment when commit code
    • Local development environment configuration should not be committed

Code style for Java

Install CheckStyle-IDEA Plugin:

  1. File -> Setting -> Plugin
  2. Find and Install CheckStyle-IDEA Plugin:
  3. File -> Setting -> Editor -> Code Style -> Java
  4. Import Scheme -> Checkstyle configuration
  5. Select file /checkstyle/checkstyle.xml to import
  • Entity definitions

    • Use primitives for non-nullable fields and wrapper objects for nullable fields
    • Override equals and hashCode
  • Liquibase:

  • Do not update an already run changset. Any new database change should be placed in a new changeset
  • For DDL, put changeset under db\changelog\ddl
  • For data, put changeset under db\changelog\data

Code style for frontend

  • Run npx prettier -w . before commit frontend code

How to run the frontend locally (not in container)

The frontend (storefont and backoffice) needs to run behind the bff, storefront-bff or backoffice-bff respectively to enable authentication. So to run locally, we must run the bff first either by the IDE or by command line. Then run the frontend by npm run dev. We will not access the frontend directly but via the bff http://localhost:8087/

How to run a backend service locally (not in container)

  • Run docker compose up to start all the services in docker container
  • Run service you want to test in the your IDE
  • Routing the fronend to your locally running service
    • In the application.yaml setting of the bff (backoffice-bff and storefront-bff) spring -> cloud --> gateway --> routes. Add the route to your locally service as the first route. For example
        - id: api_product_local
          uri: http://localhost:8092 #the url of your product service
            - Path=/api/product/**
            - RewritePath=/api/(?<segment>.*), /$\{segment}
            - TokenRelay=
- Run the frontend locally as the guide above

Note: If you have only 16GB, then in the /.env file, keep the COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose.yml and Set OTEL_JAVAAGENT_ENABLED=false. In the docker-compose.yml, you can also comment out some unused services.


  • Notes for working with Search service and ElasticSearch
    • In of search module: change spring.kafka.consumer.bootstrap-servers=kafka:9092 to http://localhost:29092
    • In logback-spring.xml of search module: add <logger name="org.apache.http.wire" level="DEBUG"/> to show query generated in console