A CLI utility to support a variety of key material operations (genesis, migration, pretty-printing..) for different system generations.
The general synopsis is as follows:
Usage: cardano-cli (Genesis related CMDs | Key related CMDs | Delegation related CMDs | Transaction related CMDs | Local node related CMDs)
The top-level commands are as shown below.
$ cardano-cli --help
cardano-cli - utility to support a variety of key operations (genesis
generation, migration, pretty-printing..) for different system generations.
Usage: cardano-cli (Byron specific commands | Shelley specific commands |
Miscellaneous commands)
Available options:
--version Show the cardano-cli version
-h,--help Show this help text
Byron specific commands
byron Byron node operation commands
genesis Create genesis.
print-genesis-hash Compute hash of a genesis file.
keygen Generate a signing key.
to-verification Extract a verification key in its base64 form.
signing-key-public Pretty-print a signing key's verification key (not a
signing-key-address Print address of a signing key.
Migrate a delegate key from an older version.
Create a delegation certificate allowing the
delegator to sign blocks on behalf of the issuer
check-delegation Verify that a given certificate constitutes a valid
delegation relationship between keys.
submit-tx Submit a raw, signed transaction, in its on-wire
Write a file with a signed transaction, spending
genesis UTxO.
issue-utxo-expenditure Write a file with a signed transaction, spending
normal UTxO.
get-tip Get the tip of your local node's blockchain
validate-cbor Validate a CBOR blockchain object.
pretty-print-cbor Pretty print a CBOR file.
Shelley specific commands
shelley Shelley specific commands
Miscellaneous commands
version Show the cardano-cli version
See ../README.md
for full usage instructions and examples of use.
Use Cabal - Version 3.0 to build and/or install this project:
$ cd cardano-cli
$ cabal build
$ cabal install
It may be necessary to specify the installation directory when installing the command using the --installdir