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Tiny MLPerf v0.7 Alibaba Submission

This is a repository of Alibaba Cloud implementations for MLPerf Tiny v0.7.


Alibaba Cloud Sinian team focuses on heterogeneous hardware acceleration and co-optimization between software and hardware, to deliver extreme performance for machine learning applications. In cooperation with Alibaba T-HEAD team, as well as Alibaba Cloud IoT team, Ant Group IoT team, Alibaba Damo Academy Voice Lab team, we demonstrate our hardware and software co-optimization on MLPerf Tiny benchmarks with Alibaba T-HEAD's XuanTie C906 RISCV CPU.


The hardware we utilize for Tiny benchmarks is D1 which adopts Alibaba T-HEAD's Xuantie C906 RISCV processor IP. More infomation about Xuantie C906 RISCV processor can be found on Alibaba T-HEAD's webpage, and information about D1 can be found on vendor webpage.


Hardware connection

Connect D1 with your laptop via USB-C and UART wires as shown in the picture below.

  • USB-C connection (white cable) is for power and push runtime to the D1 board

  • UART connection (black cable) is for EEMBC runner to send test commands and test data. Note that the red wire is not needed since we power up the board via USB-C

Prepare tools and environments

Pull the docker image

docker pull hhb4tools/hhb:1.10.18

Download Xuantie GCC toolchain

tar -zvxf Xuantie-900-gcc-elf-newlib-x86_64-V2.2.3-20211204.tar.gz

Start a container using the docker image downloaded, and put the Xuantie GCC toolchain into the container created at any arbitrary path, say /tools/Xuantie-900-gcc-linux-5.10.4-glibc-x86_64-V2.2.3.

Don't forget the add it to PATH

export PATH=/tools/Xuantie-900-gcc-linux-5.10.4-glibc-x86_64-V2.2.3/bin/:$PATH

Download csi-nn2

git clone
cd csi-nn2
make nn2_c906
make install_nn2

Then move or copy install_nn2 to open/Alibaba/code

cp -r install_nn2 open/Alibaba/code

Prepare the EEMBC test dataset

While dowloading the docker image, you can start preparing the test data needed by EEMBC runner on your laptop. Guidances for each test dataset preparation are as follows:

You will need these packages to start.

opencv 3.4.2
python 3.7.x or equivalent version
numpy  1.20.3 or equivalent version

1. Visual wake word

Download original dataset if you don't have it already.

cd open/Alibaba/code/sinian/vww/vww_testdata
tar -xvf vw_coco2014_96.tar.gz

Obtain the test data list y_labels from (For convenience, y_labels is already place at open/Alibaba/code/sinian/vww/vww_testdata)

Extract the test data needed by EEMBC runner and convert to bin


Place the generated vww01 folder along with y_labels.csv to ~/eembc/runner/benchmarks/ulp-mlperf/datasets/ as requested by EEMBC runner.

2. Keyword Spotting

Keyword Spotting test dataset is directly downloaded from EEMBC github page

Place the kws01 folder along with y_labels.csv to ~/eembc/runner/benchmarks/ulp-mlperf/datasets/ as requested by EEMBC runner.

3. Anomaly Detection

Please follow the official instruction here to prepare the testdata bin.

Then Place the ad01 folder along with y_labels.csv to ~/eembc/runner/benchmarks/ulp-mlperf/datasets/ as requested by EEMBC runner.

4. Image Classification

Download cifar10 dataset if you don't have it already.

cd open/Alibaba/code/sinian/ic/ic_testdata
tar -xvf cifar-10-python.tar.gz

Obtain the new banlanced test data indexes perf_samples_idxs.npy from offical github page (For convenience, perf_samples_idxs.npy is already place at open/Alibaba/code/sinian/ic/ic_testdata)

Fill in the cifar10 dataset path cifar_10_dir in file , then run it to generated ic01 as well as y_labels.csv


Place the generated ic01 folder along with y_labels.csv to ~/eembc/runner/benchmarks/ulp-mlperf/datasets/ as requested by EEMBC runner.

Build Instruction

Compile model and EEMBC code for each benchmark

In the docker container we have just prepared, do the following:

1. Visual wake word

Compile model

cd open/Alibaba/code/sinian/vww/vww_model

Then compile eembc runner code

cd open/Alibaba/code/sinian/vww/vww_runner

2. Keyword Spotting

Compile model

cd open/Alibaba/code/sinian/kws/kws_model

Then compile eembc runner code

cd open/Alibaba/code/sinian/kws/kws_runner

3. Anomaly Detection

Compile model

cd open/Alibaba/code/sinian/ad/ad_model

Then compile eembc runner code

cd open/Alibaba/code/sinian/ad/ad_runner

4. Image Classification

Compile model

cd open/Alibaba/code/sinian/ic/ic_model

Then compile eembc runner code

cd open/Alibaba/code/sinian/ic/ic_runner

Push the executable to D1

D1 utilizes Android Debug Bridge(ADB) to transfer data between your laptop and D1.

On your laptop, take mac as an example, install ADB using commands below.

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew cask install android-platform-tools

Push the compiled runtime to the board using command:

adb push open/Alibaba/code/sinian/vww/vww_runner  /root/
adb push open/Alibaba/code/sinian/kws/kws_runner  /root/
adb push open/Alibaba/code/sinian/ad/ad_runner  /root/
adb push open/Alibaba/code/sinian/ic/ic_runner  /root/

Destination directory can be arbitrary.

Launch the executable on D1

Since the EEMBC uses UART for sending commands and data, we utilizeminicom to launch the compiled runtime on D1.

Install minicom using command

sudo apt-get install minicom

Use command minicom -s to configure minicom serial port setup (in my case the serial port of D1 is /dev/tty.usbserial-A50285BI )

After minicom setup, use command minicom to connect to D1, and launch the compiled runtime on D1:

cd /root/<benmark_name>_runner

Close the terminal tab in which minicom resides to avoid EEMBC UART confliction.

Use EEMBC runner and do the testing

Open EEMBC runner and do the accuracy/performance test.