A simple PHP package for sending messages to Slack with incoming webhooks, focussed on ease-of-use and elegant syntax. Includes Laravel 4 support out of the box.
- PHP 5.4 or greater
You can install the package using the Composer package manager. Assuming you have Composer installed globally:
composer require maknz/slack:0.3.*
We include a Laravel 4 facade which provides a nicer syntax for using the client and allows for automatic configuration of username, channel and icon.
Firstly, add the Maknz\Slack\SlackServiceProvider
service provider to the providers
array in your app/config.php
'providers' => array(
and then add the facade to your aliases
array in your app/config.php
'aliases' => array(
'Slack' => 'Maknz\Slack\Facades\Slack',
Publish the configuration with
php artisan config:publish maknz/slack
This will add the boilerplate configuration to app/config/packages/maknz/slack/config.php
. You need to add the URL to the webhook the package should use. If you haven't already created an incoming webhook for the package to use, create one in your Slack backend. The URL will be available under the "Instructions for creating Incoming WebHooks" panel. You can also configure the default channel, username and icon in the config file.
You can change the default icon to be used in the Slack backend, or it can be changed to a URL or emoji client-side.
These examples are showing the package when used with Laravel, but the methods are all the same regardless. See the section below on using the package outside of Laravel.
Slack::send('Hello world!');
Slack::to('#accounting')->send('Are we rich yet?');
Slack::from('Jake the Dog')->to('@FinnTheHuman')->send('Adventure time!');
// Either with a Slack emoji
// or a URL
Slack::to('#accounting')->withIcon('http://example.com/accounting.png')->send('Some accounting notification');
'fallback' => 'It is all broken, man', // Fallback text for plaintext clients, like IRC
'text' => 'It is all broken, man', // The text for inside the attachment
'pretext' => 'From user: JimBob' // Optional text to appear above the attachment and below the actual message
'color' => 'bad', // Change the color of the attachment, default is 'good'
])->send('New alert from the monitoring system');
'fallback' => 'It is all broken, man',
'text' => 'It is all broken, man',
'pretext' => 'From user: JimBob'
'color' => 'bad',
'fields' => [
'title' => 'Metric 1',
'value' => 'Some value'
'title' => 'Metric 2',
'value' => 'Some value',
'short' => true // whether the field is short enough to sit side-by-side other fields, defaults to false
])->send('New alert from the monitoring system');
All setter-like methods are chainable, so rather than having to type:
$client->send('A message');
The method calls can be chained together:
$client->from('Username')->to('@regan')->send('A message');
All the same methods from the Laravel examples apply, the only difference is needing to instantiate a client manually.
You will need to use
the Client at the top of your class:
use Maknz\Slack\Client;
This example sends 'Yo!' to #general as the user 'Robot', with the default webhook icon that Slack provide.
$client = new Client('http://the.slack.endpoint');
This example changes the default username, channel and icon from the class defaults. This is how the Laravel service provider works to set the defaults from the configuration file.
$config = [
'username' => 'The Website Bot',
'channel' => '#operations',
'icon' => ':heart_eyes:'
$client = new Client('http://the.slack.endpoint', $config);
$client->send('Test message');
As with the Laravel examples, the config can be changed on the fly.
$client = new Client('http://the.slack.endpoint', ...);
$client->from('A username')->to('#channel')->send('Hey');
When using attachments, the easiest way is to provide an array of data as shown in the examples, which is actually converted to an Attachment object under the hood. You can also attach an Attachment object to the client:
$attachment = new Attachment([
'fallback' => 'Some fallback text',
'text' => 'The attachment text'
Each attachment field is also an object, an AttachmentField. They can be used as well instead of their data in array form:
$attachment = new Attachment([
'fallback' => 'Some fallback text',
'text' => 'The attachment text',
'fields' => [
new AttachmentField([
'title' => 'A title',
'value' => 'A value',
'short' => true
You can also set the attachments and fields directly if you have a whole lot of them:
$client = new Client(...);
$attachment = new Attachment([]);
I will happily look at any pull requests or suggestions to improve the package and provide attribution for your contributions. Help share the improvements with everyone!