3.6.0 (2024-10-31)
- term colors (5d3cbf0)
3.5.0 (2024-10-02)
- markup italic (6d11c34)
- normalfloat's transparent config (e9fd95b)
- prevent error when user pass a nil value to setup (3ae785b)
3.4.0 (2024-09-06)
- add/remove css, scss queries (b97faa8)
- cursorlinenr colors (b4ea862)
- error_lens config (7cd9784)
- variants: editor looks different on each variant (ed090c9)
- solarized-light lsp property and parameter (c87752f)
3.3.0 (2024-08-30)
- solarized theme based on seasons (650dbd5)
- docs: fix code example under Config Highlighs in README (8ca7c63)
3.2.0 (2024-08-29)
- hl group mason (138bb8a)
3.1.1 (2024-08-27)
- some plugins was not enabled like ale,coc,leap (d364127)
3.1.0 (2024-08-27)
- ale,alpha,yanky,gitgutter,coc,leap (d58a43b)
- annotation for config (10eb62f)
- base4 for solarized-light (abb2cae)
- docker-compose (3a19787)
- highlight color for markup headings (dfc4d62)
- lazynvim, ci test removed (8ac84d6)
- mix_base1, todocomments (7c2a916)
- more control over transparent (10295bb)
- neogit (8f48353)
- rendermarkdown highlights (892e50a)
- Solarized theme restructuring (5b304a1)
- solarized-light.yml (322be5d)
- solarized-light.yml, contributing.md (6f127f8)
- solarized.yml (f4e11fa)
- tests, styles config (9a9399e)
- barbecue theme (fb1997b)
- selenized and solarized extra colors (10eb62f)
- selenized base02 and base04 (c84571d)
3.0.0 (2024-05-13)
- palette: Removal of base04
- Integrated Selenized color palette into the project.
- The highlight and colors callbacks now accept only two parameters, colors and colorhelper table.
- .gitignore removed (058a75e)
- Add support for nvim-notify in colorscheme (221eb6b)
- Add support for packer.nvim in colorscheme (55cbf08)
- barbecue (5ad821f)
- extras highlight token (c389ad2)
- github workflows, vusted, stylua (a630aa5)
- highlights for todo.nvim (3d1e225)
- hl for noice-progress (55506b1)
- lazy (4443451)
- lazy, packer hl groups (5f155d9)
- neogit (8318f74)
- neorg hl (b4dbaaa)
- palette: Add support for Selenized color palette (3338aa4)
- treesitter hl character.printf (9c0cc96)
- utils.math removed, colors hsl func removed, improv darken,lighten (d618ab9)
- vim-sneak (84bfe3b)
- zen-mode (3465c6c)
- base03 color (9567554)
- check if neovim is nightly to load advanced hl (0963ad8)
- color search,visual,telescope,winseparator (ce004ce)
- colorcolumn, incsearch, floatborder (7b0181d)
- Configuring highlight of type "variable" #69 (a630aa5)
- indentblankline, whitespace, treesitter text hl (76de882)
- inlay-hint (fe803f1)
- invalid color (67ce0bb)
- jsx tags, methods being italized, incsearch low contrast (888695f)
- LspInlayHint foreground color on light mode (54a7b79)
- neo editor winseparator (54430f0)
- neovim - signcolumn bg (7357e0e)
- solarized setup (595bd9a)
- telescope selection (85ac187)
- tests (058a75e)
- treesitter parameter style was not being overridden by config (2f59f9d)
- vscode_theme (b6cd0ff)
- Update Solarized Theme (f076342)
2.2.0 (2024-05-13)
- .gitignore removed (058a75e)
- github workflows, vusted, stylua (a630aa5)
- treesitter hl character.printf (9c0cc96)
2.3.0 (2024-03-28)
- .gitignore removed (54bac30)
- tests (54bac30)
2.2.0 (2024-03-28)
- github workflows, vusted, stylua (6a34504)
2.1.0 (2023-12-24)
- hl for noice-progress (55506b1)
2.0.0 (2023-12-23)
- palette: Removal of base04
- Integrated Selenized color palette into the project.
- palette: Add support for Selenized color palette (3338aa4)
1.6.0 (2023-12-21)
- extras highlight token (c389ad2)
1.5.0 (2023-12-21)
- utils.math removed, colors hsl func removed, improv darken,lighten (d618ab9)
1.4.0 (2023-12-19)
- zen-mode (3465c6c)
1.3.0 (2023-12-18)
- highlights for todo.nvim (3d1e225)
1.2.0 (2023-12-15)
- barbecue (5ad821f)
- inlay-hint (fe803f1)
1.1.1 (2023-12-06)
- solarized setup (595bd9a)
1.1.0 (2023-11-26)
- neogit (8318f74)
1.0.7 (2023-10-31)
- jsx tags, methods being italized, incsearch low contrast (888695f)
1.0.6 (2023-10-02)
- telescope selection (85ac187)
1.0.5 (2023-08-17)
- treesitter parameter style was not being overridden by config (2f59f9d)
1.0.4 (2023-07-06)
- LspInlayHint foreground color on light mode (54a7b79)
1.0.3 (2023-07-06)
- colorcolumn, incsearch, floatborder (7b0181d)
1.0.2 (2023-07-01)
- neo editor winseparator (54430f0)
1.0.1 (2023-06-29)
- indentblankline, whitespace, treesitter text hl (76de882)
- The highlight and colors callbacks now accept only two parameters, colors and colorhelper table.
- Add support for nvim-notify in colorscheme (221eb6b)
- Add support for packer.nvim in colorscheme (55cbf08)
- lazy (4443451)
- lazy, packer hl groups (5f155d9)
- neorg hl (b4dbaaa)
- vim-sneak (84bfe3b)
- base03 color (9567554)
- check if neovim is nightly to load advanced hl (0963ad8)
- color search,visual,telescope,winseparator (ce004ce)
- invalid color (67ce0bb)
- neovim - signcolumn bg (7357e0e)
- vscode_theme (b6cd0ff)
- Update Solarized Theme (f076342)