Add depend BetterChatBubbles
in your plugin.yml
For example like that:
name: ChatBubblesExample
version: '${version}'
main: com.maximde.chatbubblesexample.ChatBubblesExample
api-version: '1.19'
- BetterChatBubbles
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
compileOnly 'com.github.max1mde:ChatBubbles-API:1.5.3'
Kotlin DSL
repositories {
dependencies {
How to use the API in your plugin
The BubbleCreateEvent
Can be used like that:
public void onBubbleCreate(BubbleCreateEvent event) {
ChatBubble chatBubble = event.getChatBubble();
// You can modify the chat bubble
chatBubble.setScale(new Vector3D(5, 5, 5));
// You can also cancel the event (So this chat bubble will not be created)
The BubbleRemoveEvent
Can be used like that:
public void onBubbleRemove(BubbleRemoveEvent event) {
ChatBubble chatBubble = event.getChatBubble();
// You can get the chat bubble and the data in it.
/* You can cancel the event which stops the bubble from 'despawning'
* (This means the bubble will never be removed until the viewer rejoins the server)
Import com.maximde.betterchatbubbles.api.ChatBubble
Creating a new instance of the ChatBubble's class
LivingEntity target = // This can be any player or living entity like a zombie! Above this entity the chat bubbles will be shown!
ChatBubble chatBubble = new ChatBubble(target, RenderMode.NEARBY); // RenderMode nearby means all players near the target will see the chat bubbles
// Now you can modify the chat bubble
.setScale(new Vector3D(2,2,2))
// There are also the bubble actions:
// Spawns the chat bubble entity
// Applies your changed properties of the chatBubble object to the entity
// Removes the entity
// For more properties look into the ChatBubble class or in your IDE's auto completions for that object
To spawn that chat bubble you need the bubble generator ↓
First you need to get the instance of the API:
BubbleAPI bubbleAPI = BubbleAPI.getBubbleAPI().get();
The you can use the bubble generator like that:
You can get all active chat bubbles
List<ChatBubble> activeChatBubbles = bubbleAPI.getBubbleGenerator().getAllActiveBubbles();
or all active chat bubbles of a specific entity
List<ChatBubble> activeChatBubbles = bubbleAPI.getBubbleGenerator().getActiveBubbles(targetEntity);
There are also some other methods in the bubble generator
// You dont need a ChatBubble object for this method it will just take the values from the config for the bubble
bubbleAPI.getBubbleGenerator().spawnBubble(target, "The text in the chat bubble");
// Remove all bubbles of an entity without any animation
// Get the currently shown/active chat bubbles of an entity
int currentBubbleAmount = bubbleAPI.getBubbleGenerator().getBubbleAmount(target)
// Get by entity ID
List<ChatBubble> activeBubblesFromEntity = bubbleAPI.getBubbleGenerator().getActiveBubbles(int entityID);
* If you want to use the bubble actions before you spawned it using a BubbleGenerator#spawnBubble(..) method,
* you have to initialize the actions first.
* Or if you've overwritten the implementation of the actions you can reset them using this method
bubbleAPI.getBubbleGenerator().initBubbleActions(ChatBubble chatBubble);
A simple damage indicator:
public void onEntityDamage(EntityDamageEvent event) {
if(!(event.getEntity() instanceof LivingEntity)) return;
ChatBubble chatBubble = new ChatBubble((LivingEntity) event.getEntity(), RenderMode.NEARBY);
chatBubble.setText(ChatColor.RED + "Damage: " + event.getDamage())
.setScale(new Vector3D(1,1,1));