Kodi/16.1 (Linux; Android 6.0; SHIELD Android TV Build/MRA58K) Android/6.0.0 Sys_CPU/armv8l App_Bitness/32 Version/16.1
Kodi/17.0-ALPHA1 (X11; Linux armv7l) OpenELEC/8.0 HW_RaspberryPi/1.0 App_Bitness/32 Version/17.0-ALPHA1
Kodi/14.1 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) App_Bitness/32 Version/14.1
Those are detected correct on module=DevicesDetection&action=detection
, all of them are missing browsers families, yet all of them are 'unknown' browser in every raport.
Is that the issue that Kodi browser is not liked with any other family ?
Do adding family for browser will fix that ?