Combines Cucumber with Selenium Webdriver in a Page Object model framework. First test
This project is to test a simple setup involving Cucumber-JVM and WebDriver using Page Object Models and is based on the following sources:
The Selenium Guidebook for Java by Dave Haeffner
Thomas Sundberg's blog post from 2011 on testing with cucumber and Webdriver: (but this project's code abstracts out the Webdriver commands into base page methods to future proof the tests a bit more and make the code itself less verbose)
To run in Chrome - open Run > Edit Configurations In VM options, add -Dbrowser=chrome
To run in other browsers to execute on locally, download the driver and put it in the vendor folder of this project Then update the if/else statement in in the tests package then update VM options accordingly
SAUCELABS VM option: -Dhost=saucelabs (This is entered in the VM options currently for each test). For local execution: -Dhost=localhost
The saucerest library has been added to the pom.xml so we can set a pass or fail in the saucelabs dashboard instead of just showing as "Finished"
Maven surefire plugin used to parallalize tests - pom.xml updated as per Chapter 14 of Selenium Guidebook for Java
Categories can be set up using Maven surefire - Smoke & Deep categories can be applied to individual @Test or classes To run only a subset of tests, use -Dgroups=tests.groups.Smoke or -Dgroups=tests.groups.Deep otherwise all will be run as default (specified in the pom.xml) can also use -Dgroups=tests.groups.Shallow,test.groups.Deep
@Override annotation was added to the staring method in tests/ (book does not have this but video walkthrough does and without it, saucelabs tests show as "unnamed job" and don't have a "pass" or "fail"
See Chapter 13 to run tests in saucelabs for applications behind a firewall