# Paymill subscriptions with Rails Sample app for a subscription-based rails site using [Paymill](https://paymill.com/) to process payments. The code is based on [Railscast #288](http://railscasts.com/episodes/288-billing-with-stripe) (Billing with Stripe) ### WARNING This app is not handling failed transactions, check out [issue #4](https://github.com/apalancat/paymill-rails/issues/4) for more information ## Usage Register for a test account at [paymill.com](https://paymill.com/) and create the subscription plans (they called them Offers) Setup the app: bundle rake db:migrate Replace the test keys in `config/initializers/paymill.rb` for your own paymill API keys. Run `rake paymill:import_plans` to get the plans and their IDs from paymill into the app. That's it! Run `rails server` and it should work. ## More information Paymill API reference: https://www.paymill.com/en-gb/documentation-3/reference/api-reference/index.html `paymill-ruby` gem: https://github.com/dkd/paymill-ruby