# DO NOT DEFINE PRODUCTION SECRETS IN THIS FILE NOR IN ANY OTHER COMMITTED FILES. # # Create .env file using this file as a template. # Define all your variables for local development as described below. # # - Use environment variables with prefix "AWS_" to give access to your test AWS account. # - Use environment variables with prefix "INPUT_" to simulate GitHub Actions input. # - Use GITHUB_REPOSITORY environment variable to provide the GitHub repository and it's owher as a context in the script. Use formst "owner/repo". AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= AWS_REGION= INPUT_MODE= INPUT_GITHUB-TOKEN= INPUT_EC2-IMAGE-ID= INPUT_EC2-INSTANCE-TYPE= INPUT_SUBNET-ID= INPUT_SECURITY-GROUP-ID= INPUT_LABEL= INPUT_EC2-INSTANCE-ID= GITHUB_REPOSITORY=