working through all the drone calculations. adding them to the overall resource requirements.
then! now that we've got drones! we've got to have playspace for the drones! especially those tricky hacker drones.
i'm gonna lose my mind the first time a drone automatically deploys a flinger in front of one of those doorways. ha!
also note: i'm designing the game for each round to have a similar cadence to munchkin, but with faction-based teams all competing for a common set of resources.
- there'll be temporary alliances when one of the factions gets close to completing their escape ship.
- there will be stealing of other factions' resources
- there's gonna be defending your own faction's resources
- and, of course, large, coarse teamwork goals revolving around tighter, more detailed personal goals.
it's coming together in a way i think will be pretty damn fun. lots of strategy and replayability along with (hopefully) fun socializing opportunities.