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Redux extension that allows you to dynamically inject new reducers and sagas into you running application.


If you are using dynamic imports or some kind of a code splitting then you probably need to register new reducers and sagas at the time your JS chunk is loaded. So what does this module provides? We call these ad-hoc loaded modules a widgets.

  • createExtensibleStore function that returns redux store that is able to dynamically inject reducers and sagas
  • injectReducers redux action that allows you to extend your existing store with new reducers
  • injectSaga redux action that allows you to run new saga, for example when your component mounts
  • cancelSaga redux action that allows you to cancel running saga, for example when you component unmounts



npm install --save redux-extensible-store


yarn add redux-extensible-store


To create a store:

import { createExtensibleStore } from 'redux-extensible-store'

const store = createExtensibleStore(
  { sagaMiddleware, thunkMiddleware, apiMiddleware },

createExtensibleStore function takes 3 optional arguments:

  • preloadedState: an initial redux state
  • middlewares: an object containing optional middlewares, when using sagas be carefull to name the necessary middleware as a sagaMiddleware
  • composeEnhancers: you might want to use window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__({}) function for development environment, if not you don't need to specify that argument

To inject reducers and sagas in your Root component that is dynamically imported in you application

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'

import { injectReducers, injectSaga, cancelSaga } from 'redux-extensible-store'

import reducers from '../reducers'
import rootSaga from '../sagas'

const widgetSagaKey = 'MyComponent/RootSaga'

class MyComponent extends Component {
	static propTypes = {
		cancelSaga: PropTypes.func,
		injectReducers: PropTypes.func,
		injectSaga: PropTypes.func,

	componentWillMount() {
		this.props.injectSaga({ key: widgetSagaKey, saga: rootSaga })

	componentWillUnmount() {

	render() {
		return (
				<h2>My dynmically imported component</h2>

export default connect(undefined, {

Availabe redux actions: injectReducers: takes one function argument which is a map of reducers injectSaga: takes one function argument which is saga definition object with this structure -> { key: uniqueSagaKey, saga: youWidgetRootSaga } cancelSaga: takes one function argument which is a uniqueSagaKey of type string


See real world example of react-union project.
