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Openblocks' frontend

How to contribute

Start a local backend server

Use prebuilt docker image

Simply run below command to start a backend server.

docker run -d --name openblocks -p 3000:3000 -v "$PWD/stacks:/openblocks-stacks" openblocksdev/openblocks-ce

For more information, view our doc

Build Docker image from source

  1. Check out source code and change to source dir.
  2. Use the command below to build Docker image :
docker build -f ./deploy/docker/Dockerfile -t openblocks-dev .
  1. Start
docker run -d --name openblocks-dev -p 3000:3000 -v "$PWD/stacks:/openblocks-stacks" openblocks-dev

Start develop

  1. Check out source code.
  2. Change to client dir in the repository root via cd client.
  3. Run yarn to install dependencies: .
  4. Start dev server: API_PROXY_TARGET=http://localhost:3000 yarn start.
  5. After dev server starts successfully, it will be automatically opened in the default browser.

Before submitting a pull request

In addition, before submitting a pull request, please make sure the following is done:

  1. If you’ve fixed a bug or added code that should be tested and add unit test suite.
  2. Run yarn test and ensure all test suites pass.
  3. If you add new dependency, use yarn workspace openblocks some-package to make sure yarn.lock is also updated.