Simply run below command to start a backend server.
docker run -d --name openblocks -p 3000:3000 -v "$PWD/stacks:/openblocks-stacks" openblocksdev/openblocks-ce
For more information, view our doc
- Check out source code and change to source dir.
- Use the command below to build Docker image :
docker build -f ./deploy/docker/Dockerfile -t openblocks-dev .
- Start
docker run -d --name openblocks-dev -p 3000:3000 -v "$PWD/stacks:/openblocks-stacks" openblocks-dev
- Check out source code.
- Change to client dir in the repository root via cd client.
- Run yarn to install dependencies: .
- Start dev server:
API_PROXY_TARGET=http://localhost:3000 yarn start
. - After dev server starts successfully, it will be automatically opened in the default browser.
In addition, before submitting a pull request, please make sure the following is done:
- If you’ve fixed a bug or added code that should be tested and add unit test suite.
- Run
yarn test
and ensure all test suites pass. - If you add new dependency, use yarn workspace openblocks some-package to make sure yarn.lock is also updated.