This module will run end-to-end integration testing on either a configured Accumulo instance or a temporary MiniAccumuloCluster. It will ingest both point and line features spatially and temporally from shapefiles and test that spatial and spatial-temporal queries match expected results.
A specific Accumulo instance can be configured either directly within this pom.xml or as Java options -DzookeeperUrl=<zookeeperUrl> -Dinstance=<instance> -Dusername=<username> -Dpassword=<password>
If any of these configuration parameters are left unspecified the default integration test will use a MiniAccumuloCluster created within a temporary directory. For this to work on Windows, make sure Cygwin is installed, <CYGWIN_HOME>/bin is in the "PATH" environment variable, and a "CYGPATH" environment variable must reference the <CYGWIN_HOME>/bin/cygpath.exe file.