- Fork of WinNFSd_edited by ZeWarden(http://github.com/ZeWaren/WinNFSd_edited), based on WinNFSd by vincentgao (http://sourceforge.net/projects/winnfsd/).
- License: GPL.
- Runs on all major versions of Windows.
WinNFSd is a Network File System (NFS) server for Windows. You can use any NFS client to mount a directory of Windows and read/write files via NFS protocol. It is useful when you usually access files of Windows on Linux.
Can export any folder with an alias. This can be very useful if you quickly need to share a directory using NFS on a Windows computer, without installing anything.
Example: export c:\truc\machin
as /
Posibillity to export more than one folder by using a simple text file.
WinNFSd v2.1.0
Network File System server for Windows
Copyright (C) 2005 Ming-Yang Kao
Edited in 2011 by ZeWaren
Edited in 2013 by Alexander Schneider (Jankowfsky AG)
Edited in 2014 2015 by Yann Schepens
Edited in 2016 by Peter Philipp (Cando Image GmbH), Marc Harding
Usage: WinNFSd.exe [-id <uid> <gid>] [-log on | off] [-pathFile <file>] [export path] [alias path]
At least a file or a path is needed
For example:
On Windows> WinNFSd.exe d:\work
On Linux> mount -t nfs mount
For another example:
On Windows> WinNFSd.exe d:\work /exports
On Linux> mount -t nfs
Use "." to export the current directory (works also for -filePath):
On Windows> WinNFSd.exe . /exports