pylite is a hobby python interpreter, which can tell you how python compiler and virtual machine works. It serves for educational purposes, so the code is kept as simple as possible.
pylite consists of two executables: pycom and pyvm. pycom is the compiler, which has 5000 LOC. pyvm is the virtual machine, which has 6000 LOC.
- build pycom and pyvm
- cd pylite && make DEBUG=0
- add pycom and pyvm to PATH vaiable
- PATH=`pwd`/com:`pwd`/vm:$PATH
- run tests
- cd tests && ./run
- run a simple HttpServer
- cd httpd && pyvm
- open the browser and access http://localhost:8080
- builtin objects: list/dict/tuple/slice/range
- if/while/for
- function (closure is not supported)
- class (only support single inheritance)
- module
- exception handling
- a simple GC
- pylite only use 4 spaces or TAB for indentation
- list/dict/tuple literals must be in single line
- 编译pycom和pyvm
- cd pylite && make DEBUG=0
- 将pycom和pyvm所在的目录加入PATH环境变量
- PATH=`pwd`/com:`pwd`/vm:$PATH
- 运行测试
- cd tests && ./run
- 运行一个简单的http服务器(综合了大部分语言特性)
- cd httpd && pyvm
- 打开浏览器,访问http://localhost:8080
- 常见的内置对象list/dict/tuple/slice/range
- 控制流语句if/while/for
- 函数(不支持闭包)
- 类(只支持单继承)
- 模块
- 异常处理
- 垃圾回收
- 在缩进中,只能使用4空格或则TAB
- 必须在一行完成list/dict/tuple的字面表示,不能跨行