Jsblade is a tool kit for Front-End developers who use Swagger as their API definition. These are the main it solved.
- Boilerplate
- Auto generate API based built-in templates and custom template
- Auto mock API and custom mock response
For complete information about Swagger™, you can check the Swagger Specification project. It contains general information and the actual Swagger specification.
npm i swagger-jsblade -g
blade create myProject -f vue
Command | Options | Description |
-f, —-framework | 'angular1' , 'vue' | Built-in Angular 1.5.x and Vue 1.x project bolierplate |
Detail Usage
blade create -h
Usage: create [options] [name]
-h, --help output usage information
-f, --framework <framework> angular1|vue 中的一个
blade api DataApi ./input/swagger.json ./output/service dataApi
Command | Options | Description |
-a, —-ajax | n, s | generated API type : n for angular's $http; s for NodeJS or browser's superagent |
-s, —-surround | 1,2,3,4 | API Module: 1 for UMD; 2 for AMD; 3 for CommonJS; 4 for JavaScript closure |
-w, —-withCredentials | Enable CORS | |
-t, —-tags | Swagger definition's tagName | Only generate API based on tagName: @tagOne -> generate tagOne. @tagOne@tagTwo -> generate both tagOne and tageTwo |
-p, —-promise | Enable Promise |
Detail Usage
blade api -h
Usage: api [options] <apiName> <swaggerFile> <toPath> [outFileName]
必填:<api名称> <swagger文件位置,支持本地和线上> <输出文件位置> [输出文件名称]
-a, --ajax <type> 发送请求类型(-c时无效), n: $http类型, s: superagent类型, f: fetch类型, a: axios类型, b: superbridge类型, c: config类型,只生成配置
-s, --surround <mode> 包围模式(-c时无效), 将生成的代码包含在UMD-1 AMD-2 CommonJS-3 闭包-4 ES6-5 中
-c, --custom <tplPath> 自定义模板(优先级高于 -a和-s)
-w, --withCredentials 支持跨域传cookie
-t, --tags <tagName> 按tag分组生成文件,(@)生成全部tag的, (@aaa@bbb)生成aaa和bbb的
-p, --promise 注入Promise依赖,默认不注入
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help output usage information
Simple Usage
import API from '../api/dataApi';
let api = new API('http://xxx.com');
// This will send an AJAX to http://xxx.com/xxx
api.xxxx(param).then(res => {
console.log('get respone:' + res)
Superagent/Superbridge/Fetch Interceptor Enhanced like Angular's $http , we add an interceptor to superagent/superbridge/fetch type API, angular/axios has interceptor yet. you can use it like this:
import API from '../api/dataApi';
request: function (config) {
return (new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
requestError: function (err) {
return (new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
response: function (response) {
return (new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
responseError: function (err) {
return (new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
let api = new API('http://xxx.com');
import ApiUtil from '@/common/services/ApiUtil'; // 引入工具包
import ApiConfig from '@/common/services/config'; // 引入生成的配置文件
import axios from 'axios';
axios.interceptors.request.use(function (config) {
return config;
}, function (err) {
return Promise.reject(err);
axios.interceptors.response.use(function (response) {
return response;
}, function (err) {
return Promise.reject(err);
export const Apis = new ApiUtil(ApiConfig, {
domain: ''
export default Apis;
ApiUtil调用工具可用 blade util命令生成
blade util -h
Usage: util [options] <toPath> [outFileName]
必填:<输出文件位置> [输出文件名称,默认ApiUtil]
-a, --ajax <type> 发送请求类型, a: axios类型, 目前只支持axios类型
-s, --surround <mode> 包围模式, 将生成的代码包含在UMD-1 AMD-2 CommonJS-3 闭包-4 ES6-5 中
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help output usage information
blade mock ./input/swagger.json -f ./output/swagger.mock.json
The mock data will generate at responses.[code].schema.example
if your original swagger file has defined some example,will remain the same otherwhise random generate.
blade mock ./input/swagger.json -s 8001
Command | Options | Description |
-f, —-file | file path | generate swagger mock file which definition's example is filled with random mock data |
-s, —-server | port number | mock server's port ,default is 8000 |
-c, —-config | config file path | mock 2.0(v0.2.0) added: custom config file,default config will prompt whether generate at your project root dir, named with 'mock.config.js' |
-l, —-lite | disable mock 2.0 default prompt |
Detail Usage
blade mock -h
Usage: mock [options] <swaggerFile>
生成含有mock数据的swagger文件 必填:<swagger文件位置,本地或线上yaml或JSON格式文件> <输出JSON文件位置及名称>
-h, --help output usage information
-f, --file <filePath> 生成mock file
-s, --server [portNum] 启动mock server,端口号,默认8000
-c, --config <filePath> mock数据配置文件
-l, --lite 不自动识别config文件
Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes.
We have collected some frequently asked questions. Before reporting an issue, please search if the FAQ has the answer to your problem.