Currently Webknossos annotations are in the *.wkw
format. We should create scripts to export and convert these annotations to either OME-Zarr or NIfTI-Zarr. We have decided to select the output format to match the base imaging layer(s) so that the orientation is preserved. We can use either the wkcuber or webknossos Python libraries.
- Determine additional metadata in the Webknossos annotation files (e.g. annotator name, mapping of segmentation names)
- Create a script to perform the following operations:
- Determine the base imaging layer(s) format of the corresponding Webknossos dataset (i.e. OME-Zarr or NIfTI-Zarr)
- Export Webknossos annotation as a OME-Zarr file
- Export Webknossos annotation as a NIfTI-Zarr file
- Add the above Webknossos metadata to the exported file
Thank you.