You will need Leiningen >=2.9.1 (current as of March 2019) installed.
# make sure you are in the $IPRES_HOME/app directory
$ cd app
$ lein ring server-headless
Alternatively, to just get all dependencies:
$ lein deps
All routes for the service follow this pattern:
Where <lang_code>
is a supported language code specified here, <route>
is a route which mirrors one of PO.DAAC's Web Service routes, and <params>
follow the same rules as PO.DAAC Web Service route parameters.
curl "http://localhost:3000/es/metadata/dataset?datasetId=PODAAC-GH19L-2PS01&shortName=NEODAAS-L2P-AVHRR19_L"
Mandatory and optional metadata paramters are defined and maintained by PO.DAAC and can be found here.
curl "http://localhost:3000/es/metadata/granule?datasetId=PODAAC-GH19L-2PS01&shortName=NEODAAS-L2P-AVHRR19_L&"
Mandatory and optional granule paramters are defined and maintained by PO.DAAC and can be found here.
curl "http://localhost:3000/es/search/dataset?keyword=AVHRR-3"
Mandatory and optional search/dataset parameters are defined and maintained by PO.DAAC and can be found here
It should be noted that due to the limited metadata available in this response, the results are not particularly useful.
curl "http://localhost:3000/es/search/granule?datasetId=PODAAC-GH19L-2PS01&startTime=2019-03-29T00:00:00Z&itemsPerPage=1"
Mandatory and optional search/granule parameters are defined and maintained by PO.DAAC and can be found here
Not supported, as this only returns images.
Not supported (yet), due to Netcdf and HDF being unsupported at this time.
Previous deployement location.
To run the whole suite:
$ lein test
To run a specific namespace test (in this case, the cache test file):
$ lein test app.cache-test
To run a specific test function (in this case, the basic cache test function):
$ lein test :only app.cache-test/basic-cache-test
All tests are (currently) using the standard test library provided with the language. This may change, as it isn't always the greatest when it comes to reporting. Example:
(deftest example-test
(testing "that this example passes"
(is (= "bananas" (function-which-always-returns-bananas)))))
When stubbing service calls ("faking" a call to the service), we use the handy with-redefs-fn
function, rather than complicating the code with Dependency Injection. Example:
with-redefs-fn {#'hit-podaac (fn [route params] "bananas")}
#(is (= "bananas" (translate-request "metadata/dataset"
{:datasetId "PODAAC-GHMG2-2PO01"
:shortName "OSDPD-L2P-MSG02"}
The above code is an example of stubbing a call to the po.daac
service. It takes two macros, one with the provided temporary redefinition of hit-podaac
(specified in an anonymous function), and another which represents the function to be tested. Every instance of hit-podaac
in the chain of functions called by translate-request
will then be replaced with our definition here (in this case, it will always return bananas
More examples can be found in any of the test files.
Pure dead simple...
$ lein doc
You'll see something like this
Retrieving hiccup/hiccup/1.0.5/hiccup-1.0.5.jar from clojars
Retrieving codox/codox.core/0.8.11/codox.core-0.8.11.jar from clojars
Generated HTML docs in /usr/local/iPReS/app/doc
Take a look at project.clj