Stress test your http endpoint in a cool way
npm i -g stresser@1
- NodeJS 4+
After installing and configuring you can simply run:
The options are:
Usage: stresser <URL> [options]
-h | --help
Outputs this helpful information
--html=<path/to/report/file.html> [${path.join(__dirname, 'report', `report-${}.html`)}]
Outputs an HTML report file to location
Set --html=false if you want to disable it
-t | --timeout= <milliseconds> [10000]
Sets the time a request waits for response
-n | --count= <number> [10000]
Sets the number of requests
-c | --concurrent= <number> [100]
Sets the number of concurrent requests
-m | --method <GET|HEAD|POST|PUT|DELETE|*> [GET]
Sets the request method
stresser -c 500 -n 20000 -t 20000 --html=/home/reports/report-$(date +%s).html
For bugs and/or feature requests please refer to the Github page.
plugin reporter is offered under MIT license. Please refer to this page for more info.