using gilded;
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
IList- items = new List
new Item {Name = "+5 Dexterity Vest", SellIn = 10, Quality = 20},
new Item {Name = "Aged Brie", SellIn = 2, Quality = 0},
new Item {Name = "Elixir of the Mongoose", SellIn = 5, Quality = 7},
new Item {Name = "Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros", SellIn = 0, Quality = 80},
new Item {Name = "Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros", SellIn = -1, Quality = 80},
new Item
Name = "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert",
SellIn = 15,
Quality = 20
new Item
Name = "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert",
SellIn = 10,
Quality = 49
new Item
Name = "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert",
SellIn = 5,
Quality = 49
// this conjured item does not work properly yet
new Item {Name = "Conjured Mana Cake", SellIn = 3, Quality = 6}
var app = new GildedRose(items);
int days = 2;
if (args.Length > 0)
days = int.Parse(args[0]) + 1;
for (var i = 0; i < days; i++)
Console.WriteLine("-------- day " + i + " --------");
Console.WriteLine("name, sellIn, quality");
for (var j = 0; j < items.Count; j++)
Console.WriteLine(items[j].Name + ", " + items[j].SellIn + ", " + items[j].Quality);