# Setup Lando This repo is the single source of truth for all things relating to the installation and setup of Lando. This currently includes: * GitHub Actions action * Windows/WSL2 setup scripts * POSIX setup scripts * Install docs But could also include other things in the future like: * Homebrew formula * Chocolatey packages * Installer packages * CI Apps ## Docs Check out the below for docs related to your install method. * [GitHub Actions](https://docs.lando.dev/install/gha.html) * [macOS](https://docs.lando.dev/install/macos.html) * [Linux](https://docs.lando.dev/install/linux.html) * [Source](https://docs.lando.dev/install/source.html) * [Windows](https://docs.lando.dev/install/windows.html) ## Issues, Questions and Support If you have a question or would like some community support we recommend you [join us on Slack](https://launchpass.com/devwithlando). If you'd like to report a bug or submit a feature request then please [use the issue queue](https://github.com/lando/setup-lando/issues/new/choose) in this repo. ## Changelog We try to log all changes big and small in both [THE CHANGELOG](https://github.com/lando/setup-lando/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md) and the [release notes](https://github.com/lando/setup-lando/releases). ## Releasing Create a release and publish to [GitHub Actions Marketplace](https://docs.github.com/en/enterprise-cloud@latest/actions/creating-actions/publishing-actions-in-github-marketplace). Note that the release tag must be a [semantic version](https://semver.org/). ## Maintainers * [@pirog](https://github.com/pirog) * [@reynoldsalec](https://github.com/reynoldsalec) ## Contributors Made with [contrib.rocks](https://contrib.rocks). ## Other Resources * [Important advice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WA4iX5D9Z64)