Brief outline of the issue
lettrine-xetex-bidi.def patches an old definition of the internal command @lettrine of the lettrine package leading to issues with the current implementation.
Rather than updating the patched definition in lettrine-xetex-bidi.def, I suggest to include the RTL flag mechanism for the \parshape command in the original definition of @lettrine. I have an experimental version of lettrine.sty, appended here. Please let me know
if something like that would enable to get rid of lettrine-xetex-bidi.def?
- Relevant to the
package - [ x] The
package issue tracker has been searched for similar issues? - The
package issue tracker has been searched for similar issues? - Links to <> discussion if appropriate
- Links to <> discussion if appropriate
Minimal example showing the issue
% !TEX TS-program = XeLaTeX
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
\documentclass{article} % or some other class
% Any packages other than the bidi package must be loaded here
% The bidi package must be loaded as the last package
% Any preamble code goes here
\lettrine{V}{oici} un exemple
Expected behavior
Log and PDF files
! Undefined control sequence.
\LettrineFont \L@initial