from __future__ import annotations from io import BytesIO from os import PathLike from typing import BinaryIO, Union, Optional, Literal from tgnet import Headers, IP, AuthCredentials from tgnet.low import TgnetSession, TgnetReader, Datacenter as LowDatacenter from tgnet.utils import calcKeyId AuthKeyType = Literal["perm", "temp", "media"] class Datacenter: def __init__(self, dc: LowDatacenter): self._dc = dc @property def id(self) -> int: """ :return: This datacenter id """ return self._dc.datacenterId @property def low_datacenter(self) -> LowDatacenter: """ Underlying "low-level" datacenter object. :return: Object of type tgnet.low.Datacenter """ return self._dc def set_auth_key(self, key: Optional[bytes], type_: AuthKeyType = "perm") -> None: """ Used to set the authentication key for the datacenter. :param key: The authentication key to be set. It can be None to reset the key. :param type_: The type of authentication key to be set. It can be one of the following: "perm": Permanent (primary) key. "temp": Temporary key (see "media": Media temp key. :return: None """ if key is not None and len(key) != 256: raise ValueError(f"Invalid auth key provided. Expected key of length 256.") auth = self._dc.auth if type_ == "perm": auth.authKeyPerm = key auth.authKeyPermId = calcKeyId(key) auth.authorized = key is not None elif type_ == "temp": auth.authKeyTemp = key auth.authKeyTempId = calcKeyId(key) elif type_ == "media": auth.authKeyMediaTemp = key auth.authKeyMediaTempId = calcKeyId(key) else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid auth key type provided. Expected one of (\"perm\", \"temp\", \"media\"), got {type_}." ) def get_auth_key(self, type_: AuthKeyType) -> Optional[bytes]: """ Used to set the authentication key for the datacenter. :param type_: The type of authentication key to get. It can be one of the following: "perm": Permanent (primary) key. "temp": Temporary key (see "media": Media temp key. :return: Auth key of the provided type if set, otherwise None """ auth = self._dc.auth if type_ == "perm": return auth.authKeyPerm elif type_ == "temp": return auth.authKeyTemp elif type_ == "media": return auth.authKeyMediaTemp else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid auth key type provided. Expected one of (\"perm\", \"temp\", \"media\"), got {type_}." ) def reset(self) -> None: """ Resets datacenter: clears all auth keys and salts. :return: None """ auth = self._dc.auth auth.authKeyPerm = None auth.authKeyPermId = 0 auth.authKeyTemp = None auth.authKeyTempId = 0 auth.authKeyMediaTemp = None auth.authKeyMediaTempId = 0 auth.authorized = False self._dc.salt = [] self._dc.saltMedia = [] class Tgnet: __slots__ = ("_session", "_datacenters") def __init__(self, file: Optional[Union[bytes, bytearray, str, PathLike, BinaryIO]] = None, session: Optional[TgnetSession] = None): if file is None and session is None: raise ValueError(f"You need to pass either \"file\" or \"session\" to {self.__class__.__name__}.") if session is None: if isinstance(file, (bytes, bytearray)): fp = BytesIO(file) elif isinstance(file, BinaryIO): fp = file else: fp = open(file, "rb") session = TgnetSession.deserialize(TgnetReader(fp)) if not isinstance(file, (bytes, bytearray, BinaryIO)): fp.close() self._session = session self._datacenters = [Datacenter(dc) for dc in self._session.datacenters] def get_datacenter(self, dc: int) -> Optional[Datacenter]: """ Retrieves the datacenter with the provided dcId. :param dc: The ID of the datacenter to retrieve. :return: Datacenter if found, otherwise None """ if dc > len(self._datacenters) or dc < 0: return return self._datacenters[dc - 1] @property def current_datacenter(self) -> Optional[Datacenter]: """ Retrieves the current datacenter. :return: Datacenter if current is set, otherwise None """ if (self._session.headers is None or not self._session.headers.full or not self._session.datacenters or self._session.headers.currentDatacenterId == 0): return return self.get_datacenter(self._session.headers.currentDatacenterId) @property def auth_key(self) -> Optional[bytes]: """ Retrieves the auth key for the current datacenter. :return: Auth key if the current datacenter is set and an auth key is set in it, otherwise None """ if not (dc := self.current_datacenter): return return dc.get_auth_key("perm") def set_auth_key(self, dc: int, key: Optional[bytes], type_: Literal["perm", "temp", "media"] = "perm") -> None: """ Sets the authentication key for the datacenter. :param dc: The id of the datacenter. :param key: The authentication key to be set. It can be None to reset the key. :param type_: The type of authentication key to be set. It can be one of the following: "perm": Permanent (primary) key. "temp": Temporary key (see "media": Media temp key. :return: None """ if (dc := self.get_datacenter(dc)) is None: return dc.set_auth_key(key, type_) def set_current_dc(self, dc: int) -> None: """ Sets current datacenter id. :param dc: The id of the datacenter to set. :return: None """ if self.get_datacenter(dc) is None: return self._session.headers.currentDatacenterId = dc def reset_dc(self, dc: int) -> None: """ Resets datacenter with given id: clears all auth keys and salts. :param dc: The id of the datacenter to reset. :return: None """ if (dc := self.get_datacenter(dc)) is None: return dc.reset() def reset(self, new_current_dc: int = 2) -> None: """ Resets all datacenters: clears all auth keys and salts. :param new_current_dc: The ID of the new current datacenter. Defaults to 2. :return: None """ for dc in self._datacenters: dc.reset() headers = self._session.headers headers.currentDatacenterId = new_current_dc headers.timeDifference = 0 headers.lastDcUpdateTime = 0 headers.pushSessionId = 0 headers.registeredForInternalPush = False headers.lastServerTime = 0 headers.currentTime = 0 headers.sessionsToDestroy = [] def save(self, file: Union[str, PathLike, BinaryIO]) -> None: """ Saves tgnet session to a file. :param file: The file or file path to save tgnet session to. :return: None """ if isinstance(file, BinaryIO): fp = file else: fp = open(file, "wb") self._session.serialize(TgnetReader(fp)) if not isinstance(file, BinaryIO): fp.close() @classmethod def default(cls) -> Tgnet: """ :return: An instance of Tgnet with default settings. """ def _dc(id_: int, ips: list[list[IP]]) -> LowDatacenter: while len(ips) < 4: ips.append([]) return LowDatacenter( currentVersion=13, datacenterId=id_, lastInitVersion=725, lastInitMediaVersion=725, ips=ips, isCdnDatacenter=False, auth=AuthCredentials( authKeyPerm=None, authKeyPermId=0, authKeyTemp=None, authKeyTempId=0, authKeyMediaTemp=None, authKeyMediaTempId=0, authorized=0, ), salt=[], saltMedia=[], ) def _ip(address: str, flags: int) -> IP: return IP(address=address, port=443, flags=flags, secret="") session = TgnetSession( headers=Headers( version=5, testBackend=False, clientBlocked=False, lastInitSystemLangCode="en-us", full=True, currentDatacenterId=0, timeDifference=0, lastDcUpdateTime=0, pushSessionId=0, registeredForInternalPush=False, lastServerTime=0, currentTime=0, sessionsToDestroy=[], ), datacenters=[ _dc(1, [ [_ip("", 0), _ip("", 16)], [_ip("2001:0b28:f23d:f001:0000:0000:0000:000a", 1)], ]), _dc(2, [ [_ip("", 0), _ip("", 16)], [_ip("2001:067c:04e8:f002:0000:0000:0000:000a", 1)], [_ip("", 2)], [_ip("2001:067c:04e8:f002:0000:0000:0000:000b", 3)], ]), _dc(3, [ [_ip("", 0)], [_ip("2001:0b28:f23d:f003:0000:0000:0000:000a", 1)], ]), _dc(4, [ [_ip("", 0)], [_ip("2001:067c:04e8:f004:0000:0000:0000:000a", 1)], [_ip("", 2)], [_ip("2001:067c:04e8:f004:0000:0000:0000:000b", 3)], ]), _dc(5, [ [_ip("", 0)], [_ip("2001:0b28:f23f:f005:0000:0000:0000:000a", 1)], ]), ], ) return cls(session=session)