In this repository, you will find a Python code that allowed us to record depth, RGB, and Skeletal data using Kinect v1. You will also find scenarios that were interpreted by a group of computer science students in the auditorium of the University of Sciences and Technologies Houari Boumediene (USTHB), Algeria. In the end, recorded frames can be found in the folders: RGB_images, Depth_data, and Skeleton_data. Depth is saved to JPEG images after normalization. Two Kinect cameras were placed at different positions to guarantee more diversity in the angles of taken images.
- Microsoft Kinect v1
- Windows 10
- Kinect Windows SDK v1.8
- python 2.7
- pykinect
- OpenCV
For each recorded scene there are 3 folders: one for depth frames, the second for RGB frames and the third for skeletons. The dataset is organized as follows:
- For sequences: the folder name contains the number of the camera C, the scene number S, then the take number T <C..S..T..>
- For actions: the folder name contains the same information as sequence except we added the number of the actor P <C..P..A..T..>
This dataset provides 36 action classes including single person actions and two-person interactions. The actions are labeled as shown bellow:
Action label | Action class | Action label | Action class | Action label | Action class |
01 | Standing up | 13 | Putting on a jacket | 25 | Salute |
02 | Bowing | 14 | Taking off a jacket | 26 | Putting palms together |
03 | Sitting down | 15 | Putting on shoes | 27 | Falling down |
04 | Drinking | 16 | Taking off on shoes | 28 | Fan self |
05 | Eating | 17 | A person walking | 29 | Pushing a person |
06 | Dropping something | 18 | Handwaving | 30 | Punch/slap a person |
07 | Picking up something | 19 | Touch head | 31 | Two persons hugging |
08 | Throwing something | 20 | Phone call | 32 | Giving something to someone |
09 | Clapping | 21 | Jumpping | 33 | Shaking hands |
10 | Reading | 22 | Kicking something or someone | 34 | High five |
11 | Writing | 23 | Cheking time on a wristwatch | 35 | Two persons walking towards each other |
12 | Tearing up paper | 24 | Wipe face | 36 | Two persons walking apart from each other |
Here are links to download raw data, and the link for selected and annotated images for the task of image captioning: