A C# implementation of WASI preview 1 for the WACS WebAssembly Interpreter.
Add the assembly from NuGet:
dotnet add package WACS.WASIp1
Here's a basic example demonstrating how to bind WASIp1 to the WACS WebAssembly runtime:
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Wacs.Core;
using Wacs.Core.Runtime;
using Wacs.Core.WASIp1;
using Wacs.WASIp1.Types;
var runtime = new WasmRuntime();
var wasiConfig = new WasiConfiguration() {
StandardInput = System.Console.OpenStandardInput(),
StandardOutput = System.Console.OpenStandardOutput(),
StandardError = System.Console.OpenStandardError(),
Arguments = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()
EnvironmentVariables = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables()
.ToDictionary(de => de.Key.ToString()!, de => de.Value?.ToString()??""),
HostRootDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),
var wasi = new WASIp1.Wasi(wasiConfig);
using var fileStream = new FileStream("module.wasm", FileMode.Open);
var module = BinaryModuleParser.ParseWasm(fileStream);
var modInst = runtime.InstantiateModule(module);
runtime.RegisterModule("mymodule", modInst);
if (runtime.TryGetExportedFunction(("mymodule", "main"), out var mainAddr))
var mainInvoker = runtime.CreateInvoker<Func<Value>>(mainAddr);
int result = mainInvoker();
Console.Error.WriteLine($"mymodule.main() => {result}");
catch (TrapException exc)
return 1;
catch (SignalException exc)
return exc.Signal;
WACS is distributed under the Apache 2.0 License, allowing usage in both open-source and commercial projects.