I did Skytoop to learn Ajax, Web2Py and Jquery intensively.
You can check a demo version on http://www.skytoop.com : username = [email protected] : password = 123456
- Start the server (python web2py.py)
- Go to http://localhost:8000/Skytoop/default/create_user to create a default user
- Now go to http://localhost:8000/Skytoop and login with [email protected], password = 123456
- Filemanager (controllers/filemanager.py + views/filemanager)
- Multi file upload
- Size limitation on total file uploaded (db/db_tables.py)
- Wallpapers can be set
- Public/Private Skytoop
- Widgets (static/widgets/)
- Widget Draw (static/widgets/drawZone) (the code is ugly)
- Widget Note (static/widgets/notes)
- Icons
- Ajax Search
- Widgets position synchronisation
- Css + Js compression (with pack.py)
The "Parent widget" (this is not a real inheritance, todo) is located in static/widgets/widgetsGen/jquery.widgetsGen.js
To add a new widget :
Add the name (represented by his name in syncType) of the widget in
── $.fn.widgetGen.select
The parent widget has a CRUD for child widgets
── $.fn.widgetGen.save
── $.fn.widgetGen.update
── $.fn.widgetGen.remove
── $.fn.widgetGen.send
Datas you can syncronize with the server are all fields begining with the prefix sync:
$.fn.widgetGen.defaults = { syncType : '', syncX : 0, syncY : 0, syncWidth : 0, syncHeight : 0, syncData1 : '', syncData2 : '', syncData3 : '', syncTitle : '', syncId : 0 };
For an example refer to static/widgets/notes/jquery.stickynote.js or static/widgets/widgetsGen/sample-widget.js
- JS for Desktop design are on static/desk/assets/javascript/*
- JS for the filemanager are on static/filemanager
├── appadmin.py # Appadmin
├── custom.py # To change wallpaper and to switch on a public Skytoop
├── default.py # Desktop main controllers
├── filemanager.py # Filemanager
├── get_list.py # On the index when you click on left bottom Skytoop c, get desktop list
├── icons.py # CRUD for icons + favicon.ico grabbing
├── note_log.py # On the index page for displaying recent changes
├── public.py # For search bar + public Skytoops
├── vote_log.py # Vote log, for voting for features
└── widget.py # CRUD widgets
├── color-picker # Color picker when customizing wallpaper
├── css # CSS Files
├── desk # Main folder for JS/CSS Desktop
│ └── assets
│ ├── images
│ │ ├── gui
│ │ ├── icons
│ │ └── misc
│ ├── javascripts # @@@ Here are the most important files for Desktop
│ ├── scroll # Customization of the scroll bar
│ └── stylesheets # CSS files
├── filemanager # For the filemanager
│ ├── css
│ ├── images
│ │ └── fileicons
│ ├── jquery_contextmenu
│ │ └── images
│ ├── jquery_filetree
│ │ └── images
│ └── js
├── html5
├── images
├── js
├── multifile-upload # For the multiple file upload
├── pres-images
├── speed-bar # Images for the "speed bar" at the right of desktops
├── svg
├── tmp
├── vote_log # For the vote log
│ ├── css
│ └── js
├── wallpapers -> ../uploads/ # to avoid downloading wallpaper each time (not very secure)
└── widgets # Widgets
├── drawZone
├── notes
│ ├── css
│ └── images
├── template
├── widgetsGen
└── winamp