Steps to Reproduce
- Set up an authelia instance & account
- Set up TOTP 2FA for that account
- Login with the Password for that account (works with KeePass Autofill)
- Get to the TOTP Screen for that account and use the autofill feature
Expected Behavior
the TOTP fill out the complete TOTP Token
Actual Behavior
- the TOTP Code is filled out but is missing the last digit
- When I go to KeePass and Use Ctrl+T to get the token and paste it into the webpage, it works
I set up authelia on my own server, but this should hopefully not matter.
KeePassXC - Version 2.7.8
Revision: f6757d3
Qt 5.15.11
Diagnosemodus ist deaktiviert.
Betriebssystem: Windows 10 Version 2009
CPU-Architektur: x86_64
Kernel: winnt 10.0.19045
Aktivierte Erweiterungen:
- Auto-Type
- Browser-Integration
- Passkeys
- SSH-Agent
- KeeShare
- YubiKey
- Schnelle Entsperrung
Kryptographische Bibliotheken:
- Botan 3.1.1