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This makes KEDA a flexible and safe option to run alongside any number of any other Kubernetes applications or frameworks. """ locale = "en_US" twitter_handle = "kedaorg" font_awesome_version = "5.12.1" alpine_js_version = "2.2.1" favicon = "favicon.png" [params.versions] docs = ["2.11", "2.10", "2.9", "2.8", "2.7", "2.6", "2.5", "2.4", "2.3", "2.2", "2.1", "2.0", "1.5", "1.4"] # Site fonts. For more options see [[params.fonts]] name = "Inria Sans" sizes = [300, 400, 600, 700] type = "sans_serif" [[params.fonts]] name = "Roboto Mono" sizes = [300, 400, 600, 700] type = "monospace" # All logos are in static/img/logos [params.logos] navbar = "keda-horizontal-color.png" hero = "keda-icon-color.png" footer = "keda-icon-white.png" [mediaTypes."text/netlify"] delimiter = "" [outputFormats.REDIRECTS] mediaType = "text/netlify" baseName = "_redirects" [outputs] home = [ "HTML", "RSS", "REDIRECTS", "Lunr" ] [outputFormats.Lunr] baseName = "index" isPlainText = true mediaType = "application/json" notAlternative = true # parameters for lunr search [params.lunr] vars = ["title", "maintainer", "description", "availability"] params = ["availability", "maintainer"] # "Highlighted Samples" section on the main page [[params.samples]] title = "RabbitMQ and Go" content = "RabbitMQ Consumer written in Go that is scaled with KEDA." url = "" icon = "fas fa-envelope" [[params.samples]] title = "Azure Functions and Queue" content = "Azure Function that triggers on Azure Storage Queues." url = "" icon = "fas fa-bolt" [[params.samples]] title = ".NET Core worker and Azure Service Bus" content = "Scale a .NET Core worker based on an Azure Service Bus queue." url = "" icon = "fas fa-cloud" # Social media buttons [[]] name = "Twitter" icon = "fab fa-twitter" bg_color = "twitter-blue" icon_color = "white" text_color = "white" url = "" [[]] name = "GitHub" icon = "fab fa-github" bg_color = "white" icon_color = "black" text_color = "black" url = "" [[]] name = "Slack" icon = "fab fa-slack" bg_color = "slack-green" icon_color = "white" text_color = "white" url = "" # Main page hero buttons [[menu.buttons]] url = "/docs/concepts" name = "Concepts" pre = "fas fa-stream" weight = 1 [[menu.buttons]] url = "/docs/deploy" name = "Deploying KEDA" pre = "fas fa-play-circle" weight = 2 [[menu.buttons]] url = "/docs/concepts/#architecture" name = "Architecture" pre = "fas fa-project-diagram" weight = 3 [[menu.buttons]] url = "/docs/scalers" name = "Scalers" pre = "fas fa-ruler-vertical" weight = 4 [[menu.buttons]] url = "/docs/authentication-providers" name = "Auth providers" pre = "fa fa-lock" weight = 5 [[menu.buttons]] url = "/blog" name = "Blog" pre = "fa fa-rss" weight = 6 # Navbar and footer menu [[]] url = "/docs/" name = "Docs" identifier = "docs" weight = 1 [[]] url = "/docs/deploy" name = "Deploying KEDA" parent = "docs" weight = 1 [[]] url = "/docs/concepts/" name = "Concepts" parent = "docs" weight = 2 [[]] url = "/docs/authentication-providers/" name = "Authentication providers" parent = "docs" weight = 3 [[]] url = "/docs/concepts/#architecture" name = "Architecture" parent = "docs" weight = 4 [[]] url = "/docs/operate/" name = "Operate" parent = "docs" weight = 5 [[]] url = "/docs/migration/" name = "Migration Guide" parent = "docs" weight = 6 [[]] url = "/docs/faq/" name = "FAQ" parent = "docs" weight = 7 [[]] url = "/docs/troubleshooting/" name = "Troubleshooting" parent = "docs" weight = 8 [[menu.main]] url = "/blog" name = "Blog" weight = 2 [[menu.main]] name = "Community" identifier = "community" weight = 3 [[menu.main]] url = "/community/" name = "Overview" parent = "community" weight = 1 [[menu.main]] url = "/community/#get-involved" name = "Get Involved" parent = "community" weight = 2 [[menu.main]] url = "/community/#end-users" name = "End-Users" parent = "community" weight = 3 [[menu.main]] url = "/community/#partners" name = "Partners" parent = "community" weight = 4 [[menu.main]] url = "/community/#supported-by" name = "Supported by" parent = "community" weight = 5 [[menu.main]] url = "" name = "Samples" parent = "community" weight = 6 [[menu.main]] name = "Project" identifier = "project" weight = 4 [[menu.main]] url = "" name = "Code of Conduct" parent = "project" weight = 1 [[menu.main]] url = "" name = "Changelog" parent = "project" weight = 2 [[menu.main]] url = "" name = "Governance" parent = "project" weight = 3 [[menu.main]] url = "" name = "Roadmap" parent = "project" weight = 4 [[menu.main]] url = "/support/" name = "Support" parent = "project" weight = 5 [[menu.main]] url = "" name = "Breaking Changes & Deprecations" parent = "project" weight = 6 [[menu.main]] url = "" name = "Contributing" parent = "project" weight = 7 [[menu.main]] url = "" name = "Colors and Logos" parent = "project" weight = 8 [[menu.main]] url = "" name = "License" parent = "project" weight = 9 [[menu.main]] url = "" name = "Maintainers" parent = "project" weight = 10 [[menu.main]] url = "/resources/" name = "Learning Resources" parent = "project" weight = 11 [[menu.main]] url = "" name = "Merch" weight = 5 # "Features" section on the main page [[params.features]] title = "Autoscaling Made Simple" content = "Bring rich scaling to every workload in your [Kubernetes]( cluster" icon = "fas fa-rocket" [[params.features]] title = "Event-driven" content = "Intelligently scale your event-driven application" icon = "fas fa-bolt" [[params.features]] title = "Built-in Scalers" content = "Catalog of 50+ built-in scalers for various cloud platforms, databases, messaging systems, telemetry systems, CI/CD, and more" icon = "fas fa-cubes" [[params.features]] title = "Multiple Workload Types" content = "Support for variety of workload types such as deployments, jobs & custom resources with `/scale` sub-resource" icon = "fas fa-shapes" [[params.features]] title = "Reduce environmental impact" content = "Build sustainable platforms by optimizing workload scheduling and scale-to-zero" icon = "fas fa-seedling" [[params.features]] title = "Extensible" content = "Bring-your-own or use community-maintained scalers" icon = "fas fa-project-diagram" [[params.features]] title = "Vendor-Agnostic" content = "Support for triggers across variety of cloud providers & products" icon = "fas fa-cloud" [[params.features]] title = "Azure Functions Support" content = "Run and scale your Azure Functions on Kubernetes in production workloads" icon = "fab fa-microsoft" # 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"Partners" section on the Community page [[]] url = "" logo = "microsoft.png" [[]] url = "" logo = "red-hat.png" [[]] url = "" logo = "SCRM.png" # "Supported by" section on the Community page [[params.supportedby]] url = "" logo = "azure-devops.png" [[params.supportedby]] url = "" logo = "cncf-color.png" [[params.supportedby]] url = "" logo = "microsoft-azure.png" [[params.supportedby]] url = "" logo = "snyk.png" [[params.supportedby]] url = "" logo = "vexxhost.png" # "Commercial support" section on the support page [[params.vendors]] name = "Azure Container Apps" url = "" logo = "vendors/azure-container-apps.png" [[params.vendors]] name = "Custom Metrics Autoscaler on Red Hat OpenShift" url = "" logo = "vendors/red-hat.png" [[params.vendors]] name = "KEDA Add-On for Azure Kubernetes Service" url = "" logo = "vendors/azure-kubernetes-service.png"