# CloudNativePG Helm Chart Helm chart to install the [CloudNativePG operator](https://cloudnative-pg.io), originally created and sponsored by [EDB](https://www.enterprisedb.com/) to manage PostgreSQL workloads on any supported Kubernetes cluster running in private, public, or hybrid cloud environments. **NOTE**: supports only the latest point release of the CloudNativePG operator. ## Deployment using the latest release ```console helm repo add cnpg https://cloudnative-pg.github.io/charts helm upgrade --install cnpg \ --namespace cnpg-system \ --create-namespace \ cnpg/cloudnative-pg ``` ## Deployment using local chart To deploy the operator from sources you can run the following command: ```console helm upgrade --install cnpg \ --namespace cnpg-system \ --create-namespace \ charts/cloudnative-pg ``` ## Sandbox for CloudNativePG CloudNativePG Sandbox, aka `cnpg-sandbox`, is now deprecated and has been removed from this project. All its resources have been moved in the primary `cloudnativepg` repository, in the form of: - documentation (["Quickstart"](https://cloudnative-pg.io/documentation/current/quickstart/) and ["Monitoring"](https://cloudnative-pg.io/documentation/current/monitoring/) sections) - plugin commands ([`pgbench`](https://cloudnative-pg.io/documentation/current/cnpg-plugin/#benchmarking-the-database-with-pgbench) - manifests ## Contributing Please read the [code of conduct](CODE-OF-CONDUCT.md) and the [guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) to contribute to the project. ## Copyright Helm charts for CloudNativePG are distributed under Apache License 2.0.