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Split Plot Analysis of Steel Bars using Frequentist methods

Julian Faraway 2024-10-09

See the introduction for an overview.

The irrigation example is another split plot example. The purpose of this example is to explore other aspects of the analysis.

This example come from Chapter 9 of Statistics for Experimenters: Design, Innovation, and Discovery, 2nd Edition by George E. P. Box, J. Stuart Hunter, William G. Hunter.


Read in and examine the data:

steelbars = read.table(here("data","steelbars.txt"),header = TRUE)
run heats coating resistance
r1 T360 C2 73
r1 T360 C3 83
r1 T360 C1 67
r1 T360 C4 89
r2 T370 C1 65
r2 T370 C3 87
r2 T370 C4 86
r2 T370 C2 91
r3 T380 C3 147
r3 T380 C1 155
r3 T380 C2 127
r3 T380 C4 212
r4 T380 C4 153
r4 T380 C3 90
r4 T380 C2 100
r4 T380 C1 108
r5 T370 C4 150
r5 T370 C1 140
r5 T370 C3 121
r5 T370 C2 142
r6 T360 C1 33
r6 T360 C4 54
r6 T360 C2 8
r6 T360 C3 46

Check the assignment of runs and heat levels:

xtabs( ~ run + heats, steelbars)
run  T360 T370 T380
  r1    4    0    0
  r2    0    4    0
  r3    0    0    4
  r4    0    0    4
  r5    0    4    0
  r6    4    0    0

Only one heat level is used within each run. We see that the runs are whole plots and the heat levels are the whole plot factor. Now look at the allocation of coating levels:

xtabs( ~ run + coating, steelbars)
run  C1 C2 C3 C4
  r1  1  1  1  1
  r2  1  1  1  1
  r3  1  1  1  1
  r4  1  1  1  1
  r5  1  1  1  1
  r6  1  1  1  1

We see each coating is applied once per run. This is the split plot factor.

We plot the data:

ggplot(steelbars, aes(y=resistance, x=run, shape=heats, color=coating)) + geom_point()

No outliers, skewness or unequal variance are seen.

We fit this model with:

lmod = lmer(resistance ~ heats*coating + (1|run), steelbars)
summary(lmod, cor=FALSE)
Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
Formula: resistance ~ heats * coating + (1 | run)
   Data: steelbars

REML criterion at convergence: 111.2

Scaled residuals: 
   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
-1.046 -0.438  0.000  0.438  1.046 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 run      (Intercept) 1172     34.2    
 Residual              125     11.2    
Number of obs: 24, groups:  run, 6

Fixed effects:
                    Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)             50.0       25.5    1.96
heatsT370               52.5       36.0    1.46
heatsT380               81.5       36.0    2.26
coatingC2               -9.5       11.2   -0.85
coatingC3               14.5       11.2    1.30
coatingC4               21.5       11.2    1.93
heatsT370:coatingC2     23.5       15.8    1.49
heatsT380:coatingC2     -8.5       15.8   -0.54
heatsT370:coatingC3    -13.0       15.8   -0.82
heatsT380:coatingC3    -27.5       15.8   -1.74
heatsT370:coatingC4     -6.0       15.8   -0.38
heatsT380:coatingC4     29.5       15.8    1.87

Notice that the SE on the heating levels are larger because this is the whole plot term while those for the coating and interaction are smaller because coating is the split plot term.

We can also try to test the significance of the terms:

Analysis of Variance Table
              npar Sum Sq Mean Sq F value
heats            2    686     343    2.75
coating          3   4289    1430   11.48
heats:coating    6   3270     545    4.38

The default anova() is sequential (also known as Type I sum of squares). By design, lme4 does not compute tests either in the summary or anova output for reasons discussed in my textbook. The lmerTest package is a convenient way to generate these tests (and associated p-value). It is necessary to refit the model to use a modified version of lmer loaded by this package.

lmod = lmer(resistance ~ heats*coating + (1|run), steelbars)

The summary() output would now contain the p-values but these are not so interesting since we usually don’t want to consider these tests directly. We are more interested in the anova():

Type III Analysis of Variance Table with Satterthwaite's method
              Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF F value Pr(>F)
heats            686     343     2     3    2.75  0.209
coating         4289    1430     3     9   11.48  0.002
heats:coating   3270     545     6     9    4.38  0.024

We get a so-called Type III ANOVA but since we have a balanced design, the particular type does not make a difference so we need not be concerned with this.

We see a significant interaction. In the presence of significant interaction, it is problematic to address the significance of the main effects. But notice the lower denominator degrees of freedom for the whole plot term. This means the design has less power to detect differences in the whole plot factor. Essentially, we have only 6 runs to detect the differences in the heat levels whereas we have n=24 for testing the split plot factor (and its interaction with the main plot factor).

Results are essentially the same as BHH although they are presented differently. BHH uses (intrinsically) a -1/1 coding so their SEs are twice those presented here (and their effects would also be twice the size).

We can also use the Kenward-Roger method of approximating the degrees of freedom in contrast to the default Satterthwaite Method. This method uses the pbkrtest package that was used in the irrigation split plot example.

anova(lmod, ddf="Kenward-Roger")
Type III Analysis of Variance Table with Kenward-Roger's method
              Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF F value Pr(>F)
heats            686     343     2     3    2.75  0.209
coating         4289    1430     3     9   11.48  0.002
heats:coating   3270     545     6     9    4.38  0.024

As we see, there is no difference in this example. In general, Kenward-Roger is considered slightly superior although it is more expensive to compute.

Check out where the interaction is coming from. The emmeans package is useful for this purpose:

emmeans(lmod, "coating", by="heats")
heats = T360:
 coating emmean   SE   df lower.CL upper.CL
 C1        50.0 25.5 3.48    -25.1      125
 C2        40.5 25.5 3.48    -34.6      116
 C3        64.5 25.5 3.48    -10.6      140
 C4        71.5 25.5 3.48     -3.6      147

heats = T370:
 coating emmean   SE   df lower.CL upper.CL
 C1       102.5 25.5 3.48     27.4      178
 C2       116.5 25.5 3.48     41.4      192
 C3       104.0 25.5 3.48     28.9      179
 C4       118.0 25.5 3.48     42.9      193

heats = T380:
 coating emmean   SE   df lower.CL upper.CL
 C1       131.5 25.5 3.48     56.4      207
 C2       113.5 25.5 3.48     38.4      189
 C3       118.5 25.5 3.48     43.4      194
 C4       182.5 25.5 3.48    107.4      258

Degrees-of-freedom method: kenward-roger 
Confidence level used: 0.95 

It’s the coating4 by heat at 380 combination producing the highest response. One might be interested in increasing the temperature further at the coating4 setting to see if an even better response might be obtained.

Comparison to linear model

Let’s consider what happens if we ignore the split plot structure and treat this as a completely randomized design (which would be incorrect!):

smod = lm(resistance ~ heats*coating, steelbars)
lm(formula = resistance ~ heats * coating, data = steelbars)

   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
 -37.5  -24.0    0.0   24.0   37.5 

                    Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)             50.0       25.5    1.96    0.073
heatsT370               52.5       36.0    1.46    0.171
heatsT380               81.5       36.0    2.26    0.043
coatingC2               -9.5       36.0   -0.26    0.796
coatingC3               14.5       36.0    0.40    0.694
coatingC4               21.5       36.0    0.60    0.562
heatsT370:coatingC2     23.5       50.9    0.46    0.653
heatsT380:coatingC2     -8.5       50.9   -0.17    0.870
heatsT370:coatingC3    -13.0       50.9   -0.26    0.803
heatsT380:coatingC3    -27.5       50.9   -0.54    0.599
heatsT370:coatingC4     -6.0       50.9   -0.12    0.908
heatsT380:coatingC4     29.5       50.9    0.58    0.573

Residual standard error: 36 on 12 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.687, Adjusted R-squared:  0.399 
F-statistic: 2.39 on 11 and 12 DF,  p-value: 0.075

Let’s compare the fixed effect coefficients in the two models:

                       mm    lm
(Intercept)          50.0  50.0
heatsT370            52.5  52.5
heatsT380            81.5  81.5
coatingC2            -9.5  -9.5
coatingC3            14.5  14.5
coatingC4            21.5  21.5
heatsT370:coatingC2  23.5  23.5
heatsT380:coatingC2  -8.5  -8.5
heatsT370:coatingC3 -13.0 -13.0
heatsT380:coatingC3 -27.5 -27.5
heatsT370:coatingC4  -6.0  -6.0
heatsT380:coatingC4  29.5  29.5

We see they are identical. The fitted values for both models will be the same.

Now compare the standard errors:

                        mm     lm
(Intercept)         25.463 25.463
heatsT370           36.010 36.010
heatsT380           36.010 36.010
coatingC2           11.160 36.010
coatingC3           11.160 36.010
coatingC4           11.160 36.010
heatsT370:coatingC2 15.782 50.926
heatsT380:coatingC2 15.782 50.926
heatsT370:coatingC3 15.782 50.926
heatsT380:coatingC3 15.782 50.926
heatsT370:coatingC4 15.782 50.926
heatsT380:coatingC4 15.782 50.926

We see these are smaller for the split plot factor, coating and the interaction term.

Let’s see the analysis of variance of the linear model:

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: resistance
              Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
heats          2  26519   13260   10.23 0.0026
coating        3   4289    1430    1.10 0.3860
heats:coating  6   3270     545    0.42 0.8518
Residuals     12  15560    1297               

We see no significance for the interaction term. This is the sequential ANOVA, so it’s reasonable to now test the coating term which is also not significant. Only the heating level term remains and shows a significant difference. But this analysis is incorrect and it matters - the outcome is quite different from the correct split plot analysis.