This projects is about creating a function that, allows to read a line ending with a newline character ('\n') from a file descriptor, without knowing its size beforehand. One of the goal of this project is to learn a highly interesting new concept in C programming: static variables, and to gain a deeper understanding of allocations, whether they happen on the stack memory or in the heap memory, the manipulation and the life cycle of a buffer, the unexpected complexity implied in the use of one or many static variables.
Run the following commands:
- To compile
- To remove objects:
make clean
- To remove objects and binary file (program):
make fclean
- To re-compile:
make re
To test the function, compile with main.c.
gcc main.c src/get_next_line.c
./a.out tests/some_lines.txt
If wanted to test with multiple file descriptors, compile with main-multiple-fds.c
gcc main-multiple-fds.c src/get_next_line.c
./a.out tests/some_lines.txt tests/nl_and_eof_one.txt
Testing the library: