go-SIND enables you to create swarm clusters on a docker host using SIND (swarm in docker).
Not yet ready to use, this is a PoC at the moment.
- A reachable docker daemon.
- go 1.11.x
Head to the base example or to the integration test suite to get started.
go install github.com/jlevesy/go-sind/cmd/sind
# Will create a new cluster with 3 managers, 3 workers and the port 8080 of the host bound
# to the port 8080 of the ingress network of the cluster.
sind create --managers=3 --workers=3 -p 8080:8080
# Setup the docker cli configuration to communicate with the new cluster.
eval $(sind env)
# Deploy an app
docker stack deploy -c my-stack.yml app
# Enjoy your app :)
docker service ls
# Once your're done, clear your docker CLI configuration then delete your cluster
sind delete
Mostly for automated testing.
- CI
- Release process