## Changes in TRexSelector version 1.0.0 2024-02-23 * Package update (stable version): - Update supporting scientific papers. - Add new methods and extensions of the T-Rex selector (e.g., dependency-aware T-Rex, Screen-T-Rex, etc.). - Polish previous version. ## Changes in TRexSelector version 0.0.1 2022-08-15 * First release: - Polish pre-release version. ## Changes in TRexSelector version 2022-06-13 * Initial pre-release version contains five major functions for executing the T-Rex selector (and/or executing its major building blocks separately): - trex(); - random_experiments(); - lm_dummy(); - add_dummies(); and - add_dummies_GVS(). * It includes two functions for computing the false discovery proportion (FDP) and the true positive proportion (TPP): - FDP(); and - TPP(). * It includes three non-exported helper functions: - fdp_hat(); - Phi_prime_fun(); and - select_var_fun(). * Vignette illustrates how the TRexSelector package is used.