/*! \page examples_building_lua Examples: Building Lua \section examples_building_lua_setup Building Lua (5.4) In this example, we are going to quickly build Lua using Jam. First, download Lua from http://lua.org/. Expand it into a directory, and change to the expanded Lua directory's src/ folder. \code [lua] cd src [lua/src] \endcode \subsection examples_building_lua_quick Building without a Jamfile \code # Build the Lua executable by globbing all *.c file but removing luac.c from the list. # Both lua.c and luac.c provide main() functions, and we only want one. [lua/src] jam lua *[email protected] # Clean the Lua executable and intermediates. As there is no Jamfile.jam in the directory, # the same wildcard file hint used in the build above must be provided to the clean target. [lua/src] jam clean:lua *[email protected] \endcode

\subsection examples_building_lua_jamfile_static Building a statically-linked Lua with a Jamfile In this example, we'll create a Jamfile to build both Lua and LuaC using Jam. Create a Jamfile.jam with the following contents: \code # Annoyingly, because "lua" is a keyword in Jam, "lua" must be quoted as the target name for C.Application. # Also annoyingly, luac.c must be removed from the list with a recursive wildcard. # This will be fixed in the future. # Provide the build instructions for the lua target. C.ExcludeFromBuild "lua" : luac.c ; C.OutputPath "lua" : . ; C.Application "lua" : *.c@-**/luac.c ; # or replace both lines with: # C.Application "lua" : *.c@-**/luac.c ; # Provide the build instructions for the luac target. C.ExcludeFromBuild luac : lua.c ; C.OutputPath luac : . ; C.Application luac : *.c ; # or replace both lines with: # C.Application luac : *.c@-**/lua.c ; \endcode From the command-line, build Lua with: \code # Build both lua and luac. [lua/src] jam # Build both lua and luac. [lua/src] jam all # Build just lua. [lua/src] jam lua # Build just luac. [lua/src] jam luac \endcode After the build is complete, a lua.exe (and, possibly, luac.exe) will exist in the lua/src directory. Additionally, build intermediates can be found in the lua/src/.build/ directory. Clean Lua with: \code # Clean everything. [~/lua/src] jam clean # OR clean just the lua target. [~/lua/src] jam clean:lua # OR clean just the luac target. [~/lua/src] jam clean:luac \endcode
\subsection examples_building_lua_jamfile_static Building a dynamically-linked Lua 5.4 with a Jamfile In this example, we'll create a Jamfile to build Lua 5.4 using Jam. Create a lua/src/Jamfile.jam with the following contents: \code # List out the source files individually for this example. # A wildcard such as this could have been used: # *@-**/lua.c@-**/luac.c local LUA54_SRCS = lapi.c lapi.h lauxlib.c lauxlib.h lbaselib.c lcode.c lcode.h lcorolib.c lctype.c lctype.h ldblib.c ldebug.c ldebug.h ldo.c ldo.h ldump.c lfunc.c lfunc.h lgc.c lgc.h linit.c liolib.c llex.c llex.h llimits.h lmathlib.c lmem.c lmem.h loadlib.c lobject.c lobject.h lopcodes.c lopcodes.h loslib.c lparser.c lparser.h lstate.c lstate.h lstring.c lstring.h lstrlib.c ltable.c ltable.h ltablib.c ltm.c ltm.h lua.h lua.hpp luaconf.h lualib.h lundump.c lundump.h lutf8lib.c lvm.c lvm.h lzio.c lzio.h ; # Tell Lua's code to export the appropriate functions to the DLL. C.Defines lua54 : LUA_BUILD_AS_DLL ; # Write lua54.dll into the current directory. C.OutputPath lua54 : . ; C.Library lua54 : $(LUA54_SRCS) : shared ; # Build lua.exe into the current directory. C.OutputPath "lua" : . ; # Link against the target lua54. C.LinkLibraries "lua" : lua54 ; C.Application "lua" : lua.c ; \endcode From the command-line, build Lua with: \code [lua/src] jam \endcode After the build is complete, a lua.exe and lua54.dll (or your platform equivalent) will reside in the lua/src directory. Build intermediates can be found in the lua/src/.build/ directory. Clean Lua with: \code # Clean everything. [lua/src] jam clean \endcode */