baseURL = '' languageCode = 'en-GB' title = 'K Ring Technologies Ltd' #theme = ['hugo-a-gogo'] # default menu contents # add extras through page front matter # this splits defaults from featuring # menus = ['main'] [menus] [[menus.main]] name = 'Home' pageRef = '/' weight = 10 [[menus.main]] name = 'Posts' pageRef = '/posts' weight = 20 [[menus.main]] name = 'Tags' pageRef = '/tags' weight = 30 [taxonomies] tag = 'tags' [pagination] pagerSize = 10 [markup.goldmark.parser.attribute] block = true title = true # apparently the linter doesn't like extensions [markup.goldmark.extensions.passthrough] enable = true [markup.goldmark.extensions.passthrough.delimiters] block = [['\[', '\]'], ['$$', '$$']] inline = [['\(', '\)']] [markup.highlight] # override with syntax.css # somehow hugo config does not show the following noClasses = false # style = 'tokyonight-moon' lineNos = true # lineNos = false [params] math = false