Flask-User starter app
This code base serves as a great starting point to write your next Flask application.
**Development Feature set**
* Modular and well-document directory structure with _readme.txt files.
* Well-named source code files with lots of helpful comments.
* Separate ``settings.py`` for general settings and ``local_settings.py`` for environment-specific settings.
* Bootstrap3 base template that can easily be changed.
* Complete with a skeleton for an automated test suite.
It's a great starting point for new Flask applications -- whether you plan to use Flask-User or not.
**Application Feature set**
* Home page
* User Profile page
* User account management (Register, Confirm, Forgot password,
Login, Change username, Change password, Logout) using Flask-User
* SMTPHandler for error-level log messages -- sends emails on unhandled exceptions
* Flask
* Flask-SQLAlchemy
* Flask-User v0.6 and up (v0.5 does not support UserAuthClass)
**Install git**
See http://git-scm.com/book/en/Getting-Started-Installing-Git
**Clone this github repository**
Open a command line shell and type:
mkdir -p ~/dev
cd ~/dev
git clone https://github.com/lingthio/Flask-User-starter-app.git my_app
cd ~/dev/my_app
**Install virtualenvwrapper**
Install it with::
sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper
Configure it with::
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
You may want to place the above in your .bashrc or .profile or .bash_profile file
See http://virtualenvwrapper.readthedocs.org/en/latest/install.html
**Create a new virtualenv**
Find a Python 2.7 executable using ``python --version`` and ``which python``.
Run this command once:
mkvirtualenv -p /full/path/to/python2.7 my_app
workon my_app
where the result of ``which python`` can be used instead of ``/full/path/to/python2.7``,
and where ``my_app`` is the name of the new virtualenv.
**Install Fabric**
Fabric is a build and deployment tool that uses the Python language for its scripts.
Though the product name is 'Fabric', the command line tool is 'fab'.
workon my_app
pip install python-dev
pip install python-setuptools
pip install fabric
See also: http://www.fabfile.org/installing.html
**Install required Python packages**
workon my_app
cd ~/dev/my_app
fab update_env
**Initialize the Database**
workon my_app
cd ~/dev/my_app
fab reset_db # Warning: This will delete all data in the database!
**Update configuration settings**
Before we can use this application, we will have to configure the database URL and SMTP account
that will be used to access the database and to send emails.
Instead of editing app/config/settings.py and checking in sensitive information into
the code repository, these settings can be set using OS environment variables
in your ``.bashrc`` or ``.bash_profile`` shell configuration file.
export DATABASE_URL='sqlite:///app.sqlite'
export MAIL_USERNAME='[email protected]'
export MAIL_PASSWORD='password'