I like the functionality of this extension a lot. However, it chooses syntax colors that aren't what I would expect.
I would expect strings in an EBNF specification to appear in the same color as constant strings in code, e.g. in a Python program. In my Visual Studio theme (Light Modern), this is red. But with this extension strings appear black.
This extension colors a non-terminal that's being defined (on the left side of '=') in the same color that Visual Studio uses for keywords in programming languages. In the Light Modern theme this is blue. That seems wrong to me, since a non-terminal is not a keyword. In my opinion, a non-terminal that's being defined should have the same color as a non-terminal that's being used (on the right side of '='). By analogy, if I write Python code such as
def foo(x):
return bar(x)
then VS Code displays 'foo' and 'bar' in the same color, even though 'foo' is a function that's being defined and 'bar' is a function that's being called. Simply put, they are both the same kind of thing, i.e. a function, so I think they should have the same color.
I know that these colors are a matter of opinion, so if you disagree you can simply close this. But I thought I would at least bring this up.