Changelog ========= This document contains information about the changes between the different versions of PyAMF. .. contents:: 0.8 (2015-12-17) ---------------- - Add support for Django>=1.8 - *Backward incompatible* Wrapped all xml parsing in ``defusedxml`` to protect against any XML entity attacks. See for more details. Thanks to Nicolas Grégoire (@Agarri_FR) for the report. 0.7.2 (2015-02-18) ------------------ - Add support for Cython >= 0.15 (should be backward compatible with future releases) - Fix an issue in cpyamf where the class alias would not be cached correctly. 0.7.1 (2015-02-16) ------------------ - Add support for Cython <= 0.22 - Fix a bug in the AppEngine adapters where ``writeNull`` doesn't exist in the C extensions 0.7 (2015-02-10) ---------------- - Dropped support for Python 2.5. A Python 3 port is underway. - Fix a rare string collision bug with AMF3 #36 - Updated to use the latest version of Cython (0.21.2) #34 - Added Travis/coveralls support. - Add post processing callbacks to finalise the decoded payloads. #45 - Added support for `google.appengine.ext.ndb`. #47 - ``pyamf.Undefined`` now evaluates to ``False`` in a boolean expression (:ticket:`827`) - Fixed an issue in the client where '; charset=utf8' would be appended to the ``Content-Type`` response header (:ticket:`822`) - Add support for :py:class:`collections.OrderedDict` and :py:class:`collections.Counter` (:ticket:`816`, :ticket:`815`) - ``pyamf.codec._Codec.__init__`` now supports duck-typing. (:ticket:`835`) - Enabled subclassed list/tuple to be overridden by ``pyamf.add_type`` before defaulting to writing a sequence. (:ticket:`834`) - Numerical keys in a ``pyamf.MixedArray`` would cause an exception. Affects pure python decoder only. (:ticket:`843`) - Fixed a segfault (the first ever!) in cpyamf caused by encoding subclassed tuples/list/sets. Thanks to wolever for the heavy lifting (:ticket:`830`) - Add support for weakref'd objects (:ticket:`832`) 0.6.1 (28-02-2011) ------------------ - Switched to Distribute as the future of Python packaging (:ticket:`682`) 0.6 (21-10-2010) ---------------- - Ability to exclude 'stock' attributes with AppEngine Datastore/SQLAlchemy (:ticket:`790`) - Fixed issue with Django models db_column not matching the attr name (:ticket:`807`) - Added generator support (:ticket:`793`, :ticket:`800`) - Fixed issue with ``amf3.use_proxy_default=True`` and Flex messaging (:ticket:`794`) - Support for AppEngine's ``BlobReferenceProperty`` (:ticket:`787`) - Improved unit test discovery with unittest2 (:ticket:`780`) - Ability to define attribute synonyms (:ticket:`779`) - Provide support for AMF3 remoting packets (BlazeDS acting as a client) (:ticket:`737`, :ticket:`766`) - AMF0 Remoting error tracebacks will be a list rather than a string (:ticket:`767`, :ticket:`663`) - Moved documentation from the Trac wiki to a local Sphinx documentation build (:ticket:`752`, :ticket:`672`, :ticket:`670`, :ticket:`662`, :ticket:`661`, :ticket:`657`) - Switch the PyAMF client to use :py:mod:`urllib2`. Provides support for proxying and gzipped responses. Thanks to @PaulWinkeler for the heavy lifting (:ticket:`751`, :ticket:`622`, :ticket:`590`, :ticket:`566`, :ticket:`778`) - Added support for SQLAlchemy 0.6 (:ticket:`747`, :ticket:`748`) - Added support for the lxml library (:ticket:`735`) - Introduced a new adapter for Elixir, a thin wrapper around SQLAlchemy (:ticket:`724`) - Simplified ``type_map`` in ``Encoder`` classes (:ticket:`746`) - Fixed a small bug when handling empty M2M relationships with unpersisted Django objects (:ticket:`741`) - Updates to support Plasma (:ticket:`736`) - Fixed a small bug in ``BaseGateway.removeService``, thanks agronholm for the patch (:ticket:`729`) - Pure Python AMF3 Decoding performance improvements (up to x3) (:ticket:`723`) - Non-ascii characters in the exception message would cause a ``UnicodeError`` (:ticket:`727`) - All ORM adapters will no longer set properties as static attributes (:ticket:`677`) - Default to using ``__new__`` for instance creation if available. (:ticket:`700`) - Ability to ``unregister_type_alias`` (:ticket:`707`) - ``__amf__.proxy`` actually works (:ticket:`712`) - Django adapter now uses ``get_all_field_names`` to find model properties (:ticket:`625`) - Added ``ClassAlias.bases`` and deep class tree support for typed classes (:ticket:`715`) - ``use_references`` keyword arg has been removed from ``amf3.Encoder.write*`` (:ticket:`713`) - ``ClassAlias.getEncodableAttributes`` now will return a single dict of properties (:ticket:`714`) - PyAMF Client will raise an exception if the remote gateway returns a service error (:ticket:`260`) - Fixed a reference bug with unsaved Django model instances. Thanks to wolver for the patch and tests (:ticket:`691`). - Fixed a small bug in decoding Django relations when declared as static. Thanks to wolver for the patch. (:ticket:`693`) - Removed ``exceptions`` from all ``Context`` and ``pyamf.util.Indexed*`` classes (:ticket:`660`) - Empty Django relations are now encoded as ``None``, not ``pyamf.Undefined`` (:ticket:`659`) - ``pyamf.ClientType`` removed, as it is not spec compliant (:ticket:`651`) 0.5.1 (2009-09-19) ------------------ - ``pyamf.register_package`` can now accept a list of classes (:ticket:`650`) - Fixed a regression in ``TwistedGateway`` where services would be called twice (:ticket:`648`) - Fixed a bug with encoding anonymous trait references (:ticket:`644`) - Moved ``IndexedCollection`` into ``cpyamf`` (:ticket:`424`) - ``amf3.encode_int`` now encodes signed 29bit ints, not unsigned. Thanks to gerard for the report, investigation and patch! (:ticket:`646`) 0.5 (2009-09-07) ---------------- - Added the ability to modify the timezones of dates being de/encoded for legacy systems. (:ticket:`612`) - Fixed a Django reference bug where ``parent.child.parent`` is parent would encode 3 objects and not 2. (:ticket:`642`) - Setting ``None`` on a Django ``DateField`` would blow up the encoder (:ticket:`632`) - ``rootCause`` in ``ErrorFault`` objects are now populated with the traceback object. (:ticket:`637`) - Support for encoding/decoding BlazeDS specific messages (:ticket:`581`) - Removed tracebacks from exception messages if ``debug=False`` (:ticket:`552`) - Support for ``google.appengine.ext.db.polymodel.PolyModel`` (:ticket:`633`) - Support for Django ``File``/``ImageField`` (:ticket:`631`) - Support for Django model inheritance (:ticket:`626`) - Rewrote attribute handling code. Added the ability to exclude, set read-only and static attributes. See for more details (:ticket:`601`) - Exposed the amf request object if ``expose_request=True``. Twisted/Django/Google have an ``amf_request`` property on the http request object. WSGI has an entry in the environ dict now - ``pyamf.request`` (:ticket:`234`) - Added support for the :py:mod:`array` module (:ticket:`468`) - Fixed an issue with Django model ``AutoFields`` being set to 0 by the Flex client (:ticket:`556`) - Added support for the :py:mod:`collections` module. (:ticket:`474`) - Added type checks for class objects. (:ticket:`473`) - GAE ``FloatProperty`` can now accept int without issue (:ticket:`609`) - Revamped the lazy imports module to use :py:data:`sys.meta_path` instead. Fixes all erroneous import errors (:ticket:`485`). - Django models will now accept dynamic properties (:ticket:`575`) - Django PK properties will be set first to allow related properties to apply correctly (:ticket:`599`) - p.r.encode/p.r.decode both have a new ``logger`` kwarg. Supply a :py:class:`logging.Logger` instance if you want to see debug output (:ticket:`588`) - ``pyamf.TypedObjectClassAlias`` now forces the class type (:ticket:`537`) - If a call to ``Decoder.readElement`` results in an ``IOError`` exception, the original position of the stream will be restored (:ticket:`573`) - Replaced hardcoded Python implementation title in p.r.gateway.SERVER_NAME (:ticket:`541`) - Provide a user friendly way to handle :py:class:`datetime.time` objects (:ticket:`498`) - Removed the useless ``pyamf.logging`` module (:ticket:`577`) - Added a new ``register_package`` helper function to make bulk class registration easier. Check the docstring for more info. (:ticket:`576`) - ``cpyamf.amf3._decode_int`` now propagates exceptions correctly (:ticket:`506`) - Fixed an incorrect ``OverflowError`` when encoding large integers in AMF3 (:ticket:`519`) - Added ``append`` to ``pyamf.util.BufferedByteStream`` (:ticket:`574`) - Added Epydoc signatures to all ``util.StringIOProxy``, ``util.DataTypeMixIn`` and ``util.BufferedByteStream`` classes (:ticket:`440`) - Removed dependancy on ``fpconst``. Platforms with broken platforms are detected and handled correctly internally (:ticket:`564`) - ``amf0.Encoder`` now supports attribute ordering (:ticket:`558`) - Removed duplicate method ``Context.reset``, in favour of ``Context.clear`` (:ticket:`527`) - Rewrote ``cpyamf.util.BufferedByteStream`` to not depend on :py:mod:`cStringIO`. Added a C based api for stream functions (:ticket:`513`) - Unified exceptions for ``BufferedByteStream`` so that only ``IOError`` is raised. (:ticket:`520`) - Made raising ``pyamf.ReferenceError`` optional for all Indexed* and ``Context`` classes. Refactored AMF3 so that only one ``ClassDefinition`` is created per class (:ticket:`524`) - Strict type checking now on ``pyamf.util.BufferedByteStream`` (:ticket:`512`) - Removed the default loggers from p.r.gateway.*. To re-enable supply a ``logger`` instance as a keyword arg to the gateway constructor (:ticket:`525`) - Removed ``pyamf.util.make_classic_instance`` (as it is not used) (:ticket:`521`) - Removed ``pyamf.util.get_mro``, in favour of :py:func:`inspect.getmro` (:ticket:`526`) - Removed ``pyamf.util.Indexed[Collection|Map].remove`` (:ticket:`518`) 0.4.2 (2009-04-20) ------------------ - Support for decoding the ``source`` property on ``ArrayCollection`` (:ticket:`488`) - Fixed an issue in the GAE adapter where dynamic properties would be missing on referenced objects. (:ticket:`511`) - Fixed a critical issue with AMF0 reference counting when encoding remoting responses. (:ticket:`510`) - Strengthened HTTP header handling in the client (:ticket:`492`) - Support for Django i18n ``ugettext_lazy`` (:ticket:`496`) - Added support for microseconds for :py:mod:`datetime` objects. Thanks to Derek Payton for the patch. (:ticket:`490`) - Added support for property types on SQLAlchemy mapped classes (:ticket:`491`) - Added support for property types for Google AppEngine ``db.Model`` and ``db.Expando``. (:ticket:`487`) 0.4.1 (2009-02-23) ------------------ - ``amf0.Encoder.use_amf3`` has been extended to cover all object types (:ticket:`453`, :ticket:`467`) - Property types on Django models will now encode as expected. (:ticket:`480`) - Django ``models.ForeignKey`` properties will be followed only if previously accessed outside of PyAMF. ``_[attr]_cache`` is no longer encoded. (:ticket:`456`) - Encoding ``{0:0, '0':1}`` will now raise an ``AttributeError``. (:ticket:`458`) - Google AppEngine adapter improvements - see ticket for details (:ticket:`479`) - ``amf0.Encoder`` will encode all elements as AMF3 if ``use_amf3`` option is set to ``True`` (:ticket:`453`) - Unicode handling in ``__repr__`` functions has been improved (:ticket:`455`) - object attributes and dict keys are now utf8 encoded bytestrings. Python \**kwargs doesn't accept unicode key objects. (:ticket:`463`) - Django ``models.TimeField``, ``models.DateField`` will now be converted to the correct type (``datetime.time`` and ```` respectively). ``fields.NOT_PROVIDED`` is also checked for by converting to ``pyamf.Undefined`` and back again. (:ticket:`457`) 0.4 (2009-01-18) ---------------- - cpyamf now deals with exceptional floats the same way as pure Python - especially on Windows (:ticket:`448`) - Support for SQLAlchemy 0.5.1 (:ticket:`449`) - ``amf0.Encoder`` now has a ``use_amf3`` flag which determines which XML type to return to the client (:ticket:`435`) - ``BufferedByteStream.truncate(length)`` now actually does something useful (:ticket:`444`) - now gets the version number from ``pyamf/`` source (:ticket:`429`) 0.4rc3 (2009-01-14) ------------------- - Support for SQLAlchemy 0.5.0 (:ticket:`436`) - pyamf.util.DataTypeMixIn/cpyamf.util.BufferedByteStream can now encode/decode 24bit un/signed integers. (:ticket:`422`) - pyamf.util.StringIOProxy/cpyamf.util.BufferedByteStream both have new consume methods that will chop of the tail of the stream (already read stream). (:ticket:`423`) - Now checking for all types of supported xml lib types for encoding, but will only use the first implementation for decoding (:ticket:`426`) - fpconst dependancy is now only required if the platform requires it (:ticket:`356`) - Decoding negative timestamps on certain platforms (namely Windows) are now supported (:ticket:`390`) 0.4rc2 (2009-01-05) ------------------- - Support for SQLAlchemy 0.4.0 (:ticket:`410`) 0.4rc1 (2008-12-31) ------------------- - Support for encoding/decoding SQLAlchemy ORM objects with a new adapter. Lots of people involved in this one, but special thanks to Dave Thompson and Michael Van Tellingen for making this happen. (:ticket:`277`) - All gateways now log exceptions when exceptions are raised during en/decoding. (:ticket:`394`) - Flex messaging now uses correct static attributes for encoding. Determining static/dynamic attributes on objects is now easier (:ticket:`357`) - Added use_proxy option to amf3 which will automagically convert ObjectProxy to dict and ArrayCollection to list on decoding, and vice versa on encode. Thanks to dthompso for the excellent patch (:ticket:`355`) - flex.ArrayCollection now subclasses list instead of dict as non-int keys are not allowed. IList interface has been implemented. (:ticket:`349`) - Encoding registered subclass of list that define the 'externalised' metadata will be encoded as an object. - Encoders how have a 'strict' mode. Not generally useful for the time being but will help with developments in the future. Type mapped functions now require a second 'encoder' attribute. (:ticket:`378`) - Added adapter to handle the :py:mod:`decimal` module and, if strict is set to False, silently converts a Decimal instance to a float (:ticket:`376`) - ClassAlias can now be subclassed and three new methods have been added: applyAttributes, createInstance, getAttributes all which help to provide fine control for object/instance manipulation (:ticket:`348`) - Added support for __slots__ (:ticket:`347`) - Fixed problem when decoding objects that map to GAE db.Model objects with required properties (:ticket:`342`) - ByteArray now does not throw an error when used in the Remoting framework (:ticket:`379`) - A new adapter that converts sets.ImmutableSet and sets.Set to tuples before encoding. (:ticket:`280`) - A revamped google app engine adapter that checks for the _key attribute in an aliased class and first loads the object from the datastore and then applies that properties in the object stream. (:ticket:`307`) - New helper function to make it easier to manually add adapters (:ticket:`350`) - Ability to disable the c extension with passing --disable-ext to (:ticket:`381`, :ticket:`391`) - Python C-extension for the pyamf.util.BufferedByteStream class. Originally contributed by Gerard Escalante (:ticket:`225`, :ticket:`405`) - New API to add headers such as cookies in pyamf.remoting.client (:ticket:`337`) - Now clearing the context between remoting requests (:ticket:`309`) - Fixed issue with AMF3 class definition references (:ticket:`341`) - More helpful description for register_class args check (:ticket:`334`) - pyamf.register_class now checks to ensure that __init__ args do not have any arguments (:ticket:`322`) - Added RemoteObject support for AsyncMessage (:ticket:`292`) - pyamf.remoting.ErrorFault.__repr__ now displays the traceback info (if it exists). (:ticket:`331`) - Both Encoders will now raise pyamf.EncodeError if a function is encoded (:ticket:`311`) - Twisted Gateway would fall over when returning tuples (:ticket:`313`) - The remoting gateways now send a customizable Server header (:ticket:`317`) - The remoting client now sends a customizable User-Agent header (:ticket:`306`) - Added ability to set the HTTP referer in remoting client (:ticket:`316`) - Fixed issue where the AMF3 encoder assumed objects with a 'tag' attribute needed XML encoding. Reported by cy-man (:ticket:`303`) - Solved issue with repr for AbstractMessage. Reported by datafunk (:ticket:`283`) - Content-type was missing in POST requests from the AMF client. Reported by magog (:ticket:`304`) - Added the disconnect Command operation (:ticket:`325`) - Fixed issue with the unit tests for Django (:ticket:`281`) - Removed the NetworkIOMixIn class (:ticket:`232`) 0.3.1 (2008-05-04) ------------------ - Importing module now has tests (:ticket:`266`) - Django model adapter now imported only when django.db.models is imported (:ticket:`261`) - Google Model/Expando encoding now works out of the box - Fixed issue with Remote Object destination (:ticket:`270`) - Added a new gateway for the Google App Engine - see (:ticket:`253`) - amf0 Encoder now takes amf3 contexts into account (:ticket:`268`) - amf*.encode helpers can now accept multiple arguments (:ticket:`267`) - Removed the dependancy of fpconst for Python 2.5 or newer (:ticket:`243`) - Solved issue with AMFPHP exceptions in AMF client (:ticket:`258`) - Fixed issue with url parsing in AMF client (:ticket:`256`) - Client no longer raises httplib.ResponseNotReady when making multiple requests using the same RemotingService (:ticket:`254`) 0.3 (2008-04-14) ---------------- - Added compatibility module for Google App Engine (:ticket:`247`) - Fixed the signed interpretation of compressed integers in AMF3 (:ticket:`241`) - Classic class decoding would throw an AttributeError (:ticket:`248`) - Reloading adapter modules caused errors in Django, Pylons and Google App Engine. Resolved by removing dependancy on Importing module and incorporating into pyamf.util (:ticket:`250`) - Adapter framework can now be fired when only loading submodules (:ticket:`246`) - Made util.BufferedByteStream endian aware (:ticket:`231`) - Fixed issue with Twisted threads (:ticket:`233`) 0.2 (2008-03-12) ---------------- - Removed amfinfo console_script (:ticket:`226`) - Encoders/Decoders now check for __getstate__/__setstate__ respectively (:ticket:`209`) - Gateway import hack has now been removed - permanently (:ticket:`224`) - Encoding/decoding performance has been increased 2x for AMF0 and up-to 10x(!) for AMF3 (:ticket:`198`) - Logging is now possible in all the supported gateways (:ticket:`173`) - A new preprocessor function that runs after authentication, but before invoking the service method (:ticket:`196`) - authenticator can now be decorated with expose_request (:ticket:`195`) - Python 2.3 support (:ticket:`33`) - Python 2.6 support (:ticket:`222`) - Made PyAMF distributable as zip-based Python Egg (:ticket:`193`) 0.1.1 (2008-02-18) ------------------ - AMF3 encoder reported incorrect byte length header for non-ASCII string data. Patch supplied by akaihola. (:ticket:`194`) - Decoder context not cleared between reading the remoting header and body. Reported by gerard (:ticket:`192`) 0.1 (2008-02-11) ---------------- - New error handling api useful for registering custom exception classes (:ticket:`185`) - When a client receives a remoting error, an exception is generated (:ticket:`167`) - expose_request per service control vastly improved (:ticket:`169`) - Authentication per service control vastly improved (:ticket:`166`) - uuid is no longer installed when using Python 2.5 or newer (:ticket:`182`) - The inheritance tree was not consulted when encoding attributes (:ticket:`172`) - TypedObjects didn't work with old style classes (:ticket:`171`) - ErrorFault now prints details (:ticket:`168`) - Added expose_request to TwistedGateway (:ticket:`165`) - TwistedGateway now expects deferred from service functions (:ticket:`164`) 0.1b (2008-01-13) ----------------- - IExternalizable now takes its methods from the class and fine grain control over attr encoding (:ticket:`110`) - Added an adapter framework that gets imported when the related module is imported. See for more info - Added 'expose_environ' argument to WSGIGateway to expose the WSGI environ as the first arg in the called services. - Implemented Local Shared Object (LSO) support (:ticket:`11`) - ByteArray now implements IDataInput and IDataOutput instead of StringIOProxy (:ticket:`151`) - dicts are now used as the default for anonymous objects (:ticket:`131`) - remoting.client mostly fully supports the predefined headers (defined at The only one missing is amf_server_debug (:ticket:`39`) - LazyImporter objects now set the __file__ attribute to None, so that querying :py:data:`sys.modules` don't accidentally import the underlying module (:ticket:`147`) - Fixed argument positioning for RemoteObject processing. Thanks akaihola! (:ticket:`145`) - ElementTree requirement is now ignored when using Python >= 2.5 (:ticket:`144`) - Added tests for TwistedGateway (:ticket:`132`) - Workaround for Python 2.4 float shortcomings (:ticket:`78`) - Service Browser ('DescribeService' header) requests supported. (:ticket:`138`) - Remoting client now supports authentication. (:ticket:`137`) - Proper encoding for aliased subclassed builtin types, specifically flex.ArrayCollection. - Added support for easy encoding of Django object queries (Foo.objects.all()) - Added 'add_type' allowing finer grain control of how a class is encoded in an AMF stream. (:ticket:`130`) - 'authenticator' keyword added to all gateways (moved from ServiceRequest) (:ticket:`129`) - Added ``expose_request`` argument to DjangoGateway to expose the underlying HTTP Request object as the first arg in the called services. (:ticket:`103`) 0.1.0a (2007-12-12) ------------------- - AMF0 and AMF3 encoders/decoders - Additional support for IExternalizable, ArrayCollection, ObjectProxy, ByteArray, RecordSet and RemoteObject - Remoting gateways for Twisted, WSGI, and Django - Authentication/setCredentials support - zlib compression support for ByteArray - Remoting client with :py:mod:`httplib` 0.0.1 (2007-10-19) ------------------ - Started project based on previous work done in the RTMPy ( project.