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DEPRECATED This repository has moved

With upcoming deprecation of helm/charts repository, the Datadog Helm Charts repository has moved to:

You can use this new repository by doing:

helm repo add datadog
helm repo update

You can now use datadog/datadog instead of stable/datadog in all your Helm commands, e.g.:

# New installation
helm install --name <RELEASE_NAME> --set datadog.apiKey=<DATADOG_API_KEY> datadog/datadog
# Upgrade existing installation
helm upgrade --name <RELEASE_NAME> --set datadog.apiKey=<DATADOG_API_KEY> datadog/datadog


Datadog is a hosted infrastructure monitoring platform. This chart adds the Datadog Agent to all nodes in your cluster via a DaemonSet. It also optionally depends on the kube-state-metrics chart. For more information about monitoring Kubernetes with Datadog, please refer to the Datadog documentation website.

Datadog offers two variants, switch to a -jmx tag if you need to run JMX/java integrations. The chart also supports running the standalone dogstatsd image.

See the Datadog JMX integration to learn more.


Kubernetes 1.4+ or OpenShift 3.4+, note that:

Quick start

By default, the Datadog Agent runs in a DaemonSet. It can alternatively run inside a Deployment for special use cases.

Note: simultaneous DaemonSet + Deployment installation within a single release will be deprecated in a future version, requiring two releases to achieve this.

Installing the Datadog Chart

To install the chart with the release name <RELEASE_NAME>, retrieve your Datadog API key from your Agent Installation Instructions and run:

helm install --name <RELEASE_NAME> \
  --set datadog.apiKey=<DATADOG_API_KEY> stable/datadog

By default, this Chart creates a Secret and puts an API key in that Secret. However, you can use manually created secret by setting the datadog.apiKeyExistingSecret value. After a few minutes, you should see hosts and metrics being reported in Datadog.

Create and provide a secret that contains your Datadog API Key

To create a secret that contains your Datadog API key, replace the <DATADOG_API_KEY> below with the API key for your organization. This secret is used in the manifest to deploy the Datadog Agent.

kubectl create secret generic $DATADOG_SECRET_NAME --from-literal api-key="<DATADOG_API_KEY>" --namespace="default"

Note: This creates a secret in the default namespace. If you are in a custom namespace, update the namespace parameter of the command before running it.

Now, the installation command contains the reference to the secret.

helm install --name <RELEASE_NAME> \
  --set datadog.apiKeyExistingSecret=$DATADOG_SECRET_NAME stable/datadog

Note: Provide a secret for the application key (AppKey) using the datadog.appKeyExistingSecret chart variable.

Enabling the Datadog Cluster Agent

Read about the Datadog Cluster Agent in the official documentation.

Run the following if you want to deploy the chart with the Datadog Cluster Agent:

helm install --name datadog-monitoring \
    --set datadog.apiKey=<DATADOG_API_KEY> \
    --set datadog.appKey=<DATADOG_APP_KEY> \
    --set clusterAgent.enabled=true \
    --set clusterAgent.metricsProvider.enabled=true \

Note: Specifying clusterAgent.metricsProvider.enabled=true enables the External Metrics Server. If you want to learn to use this feature, you can check out this Datadog Cluster Agent walkthrough.

The Leader Election is enabled by default in the chart for the Cluster Agent. Only the Cluster Agent(s) participate in the election, in case you have several replicas configured (using clusterAgent.replicas.

Cluster Agent Token

You can specify the Datadog Cluster Agent token used to secure the communication between the Cluster Agent(s) and the Agents with clusterAgent.token.

If you don't specify a token, a random one is generated at each deployment so you must use --recreate-pods to ensure all pod use the same token. seeDatadog Chart notes to learn more.


From 1.x to 2.x

⚠️ Migrating from 1.x to 2.x requires a manual action.

The datadog chart has been refactored to regroup the values.yaml parameters in a more logical way. Please follow the migration guide to update you values.yaml file.

From 1.19.0 onwards

Version 1.19.0 introduces the use of release name as full name if it contains the chart name(datadog in this case). E.g. with a release name of datadog, this renames the DaemonSet from datadog-datadog to datadog. The suggested approach is to delete the release and reinstall it.

From 1.0.0 onwards

Starting with version 1.0.0, this chart does not support deploying Agent 5.x anymore. If you cannot upgrade to Agent 6.x or later, you can use a previous version of the chart by calling helm install with --version 0.18.0.

See 0.18.1's README to see which options were supported at the time.

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the <RELEASE_NAME> deployment:

helm delete <RELEASE_NAME> --purge

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


As a best practice, a YAML file that specifies the values for the chart parameters should be provided to configure the chart:

  1. Copy the default datadog-values.yaml value file.
  2. Set the apiKey parameter with your Datadog API key.
  3. Upgrade the Datadog Helm chart with the new datadog-values.yaml file:
helm upgrade -f datadog-values.yaml <RELEASE_NAME> stable/datadog --recreate-pods

See the All configuration options section to discover all possibilities offered by the Datadog chart.

Enabling Log Collection

Update your datadog-values.yaml file with the following log collection configuration:

  # (...)
    enabled: true
    containerCollectAll: true

then upgrade your Datadog Helm chart:

helm upgrade -f datadog-values.yaml <RELEASE_NAME> stable/datadog --recreate-pods

Enabling Process Collection

Update your datadog-values.yaml file with the process collection configuration:

  # (...)
    enabled: true
    processCollection: true

then upgrade your Datadog Helm chart:

helm upgrade -f datadog-values.yaml <RELEASE_NAME> stable/datadog --recreate-pods

Enabling System Probe Collection

The system-probe agent only runs in dedicated container environment. Update your datadog-values.yaml file with the system-probe collection configuration:

  # (...)
    # (...)
    enabled: true

# (...)

then upgrade your Datadog Helm chart:

helm upgrade -f datadog-values.yaml <RELEASE_NAME> stable/datadog --recreate-pods

Kubernetes event collection

Use the Datadog Cluster Agent to collect Kubernetes events. Please read the official documentation for more context.

Alternatively set the datadog.leaderElection, datadog.collectEvents and rbac.create options to true in order to enable Kubernetes event collection.

conf.d and checks.d

The Datadog entrypoint copies files with a .yaml extension found in /conf.d and files with .py extension in /checks.d to /etc/datadog-agent/conf.d and /etc/datadog-agent/checks.d respectively.

The keys for datadog.confd and datadog.checksd should mirror the content found in their respective ConfigMaps. Update your datadog-values.yaml file with the check configurations:

    redisdb.yaml: |-
        - redis
        - bitnami/redis
        - host: "%%host%%"
          port: "%%port%%"
    jmx.yaml: |-
        - openjdk
        - host: "%%host%%"
          port: "%%port_0%%"
    redisdb.yaml: |-
        - host: ""
          port: 6379

then upgrade your Datadog Helm chart:

helm upgrade -f datadog-values.yaml <RELEASE_NAME> stable/datadog --recreate-pods

For more details, please refer to the documentation.

Kubernetes Labels and Annotations

To map Kubernetes node labels and pod labels and annotations to Datadog tags, provide a dictionary with kubernetes labels/annotations as keys and Datadog tags key as values in your datadog-values.yaml file:

nodeLabelsAsTags: aws_instance_type kube_role
podAnnotationsAsTags: kube_iamrole
  app: kube_app
  release: helm_release

then upgrade your Datadog Helm chart:

helm upgrade -f datadog-values.yaml <RELEASE_NAME> stable/datadog --recreate-pods

CRI integration

As of the version 6.6.0, the Datadog Agent supports collecting metrics from any container runtime interface used in your cluster. Configure the location path of the socket with datadog.criSocketPath; default is the Docker container runtime socket. To deactivate this support, you just need to unset the datadog.criSocketPath setting. Standard paths are:

  • Docker socket: /var/run/docker.sock
  • Containerd socket: /var/run/containerd/containerd.sock
  • Cri-o socket: /var/run/crio/crio.sock

All configuration options

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Datadog chart and their default values. Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. For example,

helm install --name <RELEASE_NAME> \
  --set datadog.apiKey=<DATADOG_API_KEY>,datadog.logLevel=DEBUG \
Parameter Description Default
targetSystem Target OS of this installation (supported: linux, windows) linux
datadog.apiKey Your Datadog API key nil You must provide your own key
datadog.apiKeyExistingSecret If set, use the secret with a provided name instead of creating a new one nil
datadog.appKey Datadog APP key required to use metricsProvider nil You must provide your own key
datadog.appKeyExistingSecret If set, use the secret with a provided name instead of creating a new one nil
agents.image.repository The image repository to pull from datadog/agent
agents.image.tag The image tag to pull 7.19.0
agents.image.doNotCheckTag By default, the helm chart will check that the version provided in agents.image.tag is superior to the minimal version requested by the chart. If doNotCheckTag is explicitly set to true, this check is skipped. This is useful for custom tags that are not respecting semantic versioning. false
agents.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
agents.image.pullSecrets Image pull secrets nil
nameOverride Override name of app ""
fullnameOverride Override full name of app ""
agents.rbac.create If true, create & use RBAC resources true
agents.rbac.serviceAccountName existing ServiceAccount to use (ignored if rbac.create=true) default Site ('' or '') nil
datadog.dd_url Datadog intake server nil
datadog.env Additional Datadog environment variables nil
datadog.logLevel Agent log verbosity (possible values: trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical, and off) INFO
datadog.logs.enabled Enable log collection nil
datadog.logs.containerCollectAll Collect logs from all containers nil
datadog.logs.containerCollectUsingFiles Collect container logs from files on disk instead of container runtime API true
datadog.apm.enabled Enable tracing from the host false
datadog.apm.port Used to override the default agent APM Port 8126
datadog.apm.useSocketVolume Enable APM over Unix Domain Socket False
datadog.apm.socketPath Custom path to the socket, has to be located in the /var/run/datadog/ folder path /var/run/datadog/apm.socket
datadog.apm.hostPath host directory that contains the trace-agent socket path /var/run/datadog/
datadog.clusterChecks.enabled Enable Cluster Checks on both the Cluster Agent and the Agent daemonset false
datadog.processAgent.enabled Enable live process and container monitoring agent. Possible values: true enable process-agent, false disable process-agent true
datadog.processAgent.processCollection Enable live process collection. Possible values: true enable process collection, false disable process collection false
datadog.checksd Additional custom checks as python code nil
datadog.confd Additional check configurations (static and Autodiscovery) nil
datadog.dockerSocketPath Path to the docker socket /var/run/docker.sock
datadog.criSocketPath Path to the container runtime socket (default is Docker runtime) nil
datadog.tags Set host tags nil
datadog.dogstatsd.originDetection Enable origin detection for container tagging False
datadog.dogstatsd.port Used to override the default agent DogStatsD Port 8125
datadog.dogstatsd.useHostPID If true, use the host's PID namespace nil
datadog.dogstatsd.useHostPort If true, use the same ports for both host and container nil
datadog.dogstatsd.nonLocalTraffic Enable statsd reporting from any external ip False
datadog.dogstatsd.useSocketVolume Enable dogstatsd over Unix Domain Socket False
datadog.dogstatsd.socketPath Custom path to the socket, has to be located in the /var/run/datadog/ folder path /var/run/datadog/dsd.socket
datadog.dogstatsd.hostPath host directory that contains the dogstatsd socket /var/run/datadog/
datadog.nodeLabelsAsTags Kubernetes Node Labels to Datadog Tags mapping nil
datadog.podAnnotationsAsTags Kubernetes Annotations to Datadog Tags mapping nil
datadog.podLabelsAsTags Kubernetes Labels to Datadog Tags mapping nil
datadog.securityContext Allows you to overwrite the default securityContext applied to the container nil
datadog.acInclude (Deprecated) Include containers based on image name nil
datadog.acExclude (Deprecated) Exclude containers based on image name nil
datadog.containerInclude Include containers based on image name, container name or kubernetes namespace nil
datadog.containerExclude Exclude containers based on image name, container name or kubernetes namespace nil
datadog.containerIncludeMetrics Include containers for metrics collection based on image name, container name or kubernetes namespace nil
datadog.containerExcludeMetrics Exclude containers from metrics based on image name, container name or kubernetes namespace nil
datadog.containerIncludeLogs Include containers for logs collection based on image name, container name or kubernetes namespace nil
datadog.containerExcludeLogs Exclude containers from logs based on image name, container name or kubernetes namespace nil
datadog.systemProbe.enabled enable system probe collection false
datadog.systemProbe.seccomp Apply an ad-hoc seccomp profile to system-probe to restrict its privileges localhost/system-probe
datadog.systemProbe.seccompRoot Seccomp root directory for system-probe /var/lib/kubelet/seccomp
datadog.systemProbe.debugPort The port to expose pprof and expvar for system-probe agent, it is not enabled if the value is set to 0 0
datadog.systemProbe.enableConntrack If true, system-probe connects to the netlink/conntrack subsystem to add NAT information to connection data. Ref: true
datadog.systemProbe.bpfDebug If true, system-probe writes debug logs to /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe false
datadog.systemProbe.apparmor Apparmor profile for system-probe unconfined
datadog.systemProbe.enableTCPQueueLength Enable the TCP queue length eBPF-based check false
datadog.systemProbe.enableOOMKill Enable the OOM kill eBPF-based check false
datadog.orchestratorExplorer.enabled Enable the Orchestrator Explorer data collection false
agents.podAnnotations Annotations to add to the DaemonSet's Pods nil
agents.podLabels labels to add to each pod nil
agents.tolerations List of node taints to tolerate (requires Kubernetes >= 1.6) nil
agents.nodeSelector Node selectors nil
agents.affinity Node affinities nil
agents.useHostNetwork If true, use the host's network nil
agents.dnsConfig If set, configure dnsConfig options in datadog agent containers nil
agents.containers.agent.env Additional list of environment variables to use in the agent container nil
agents.containers.agent.logLevel Agent log verbosity INFO
agents.containers.agent.resources.limits.cpu CPU resource limits for the agent container not set
agents.containers.agent.resources.requests.cpu CPU resource requests for the agent container not set
agents.containers.agent.resources.limits.memory Memory resource limits for the agent container not set
agents.containers.agent.resources.requests.memory Memory resource requests for the agent container not set
agents.containers.agent.livenessProbe Overrides the default liveness probe http check on /live with port 5555
agents.containers.agent.readinessProbe Overrides the default readiness probe http check on /ready with port 5555
agents.containers.processAgent.env Additional list of environment variables to use in the process-agent container nil
agents.containers.processAgent.logLevel Process agent log verbosity INFO
agents.containers.processAgent.resources.limits.cpu CPU resource limits for the process-agent container 100m
agents.containers.processAgent.resources.requests.cpu CPU resource requests for the process-agent container 100m
agents.containers.processAgent.resources.limits.memory Memory resource limits for the process-agent container 200Mi
agents.containers.processAgent.resources.requests.memory Memory resource requests for the process-agent container 200Mi
agents.containers.traceAgent.env Additional list of environment variables to use in the trace-agent container nil
agents.containers.traceAgent.logLevel Trace agent log verbosity INFO
agents.containers.traceAgent.resources.limits.cpu CPU resource limits for the trace-agent container 100m
agents.containers.traceAgent.resources.requests.cpu CPU resource requests for the trace-agent container 100m
agents.containers.traceAgent.resources.limits.memory Memory resource limits for the trace-agent container 200Mi
agents.containers.traceAgent.resources.requests.memory Memory resource requests for the trace-agent container 200Mi
agents.containers.systemProbe.env Additional list of environment variables to use in the system-probe container nil
agents.containers.systemProbe.logLevel System probe log verbosity INFO
agents.containers.systemProbe.resources.limits.cpu CPU resource limits for the system-probe container 100m
agents.containers.systemProbe.resources.requests.cpu CPU resource requests for the system-probe container 100m
agents.containers.systemProbe.resources.limits.memory Memory resource limits for the system-probe container 200Mi
agents.containers.systemProbe.resources.requests.memory Memory resource requests for the system-probe container 200Mi
agents.containers.initContainers.resources.limits.cpu CPU resource limits for the init containers container not set
agents.containers.initContainers.resources.requests.cpu CPU resource requests for the init containers container not set
agents.containers.initContainers.resources.limits.memory Memory resource limits for the init containers container not set
agents.containers.initContainers.resources.requests.memory Memory resource requests for the init containers container not set
agents.priorityClassName Which Priority Class to associate with the daemonset nil
agents.useConfigMap Configures a configmap to provide the agent configuration. Use this in combination with the agent.customAgentConfig parameter. false
agents.customAgentConfig Specify custom contents for the datadog agent config (datadog.yaml). Note the agents.useConfigMap parameter needs to be set to true for this parameter to be taken into account. {}
agents.updateStrategy Which update strategy to deploy the daemonset RollingUpdate with 10% maxUnavailable
agents.volumes Additional volumes for the daemonset or deployment nil
agents.volumeMounts Additional volumeMounts for the daemonset or deployment nil
agents.podSecurity.podSecurityPolicy.create If true, create a PodSecurityPolicy resource for the Agent's Pods. Supported only for Linux agent's daemonset. False
agents.podSecurity.securityContextConstraints.create If true, create a SecurityContextConstraints resource for the Agent's Pods. Supported only for Linux agent's daemonset. False
datadog.podSecurity.securityContext Allows you to overwrite the default securityContext applied to the container default security context configuration
agents.podSecurity.privileged If true, allowed privileged containers False
agents.podSecurity.capabilites list of allowed capabilities [SYS_ADMIN, SYS_RESOURCE, SYS_ADMIN, IPC_LOCK]
agents.podSecurity.volumes list of allowed volumes types [configMap,downwardAPI,emptyDir,ostPath,secret]
agents.podSecurity.seccompProfiles List of allowed seccomp profiles ["*"]
agents.podSecurity.apparmorProfiles List of allowed apparmor profiles ["*"]
datadog.leaderElection Enable the leader Election feature false
datadog.leaderLeaseDuration The duration for which a leader stays elected. 60 sec, 15 if Cluster Checks enabled
datadog.collectEvents Enable Kubernetes event collection. Requires leader election. false
datadog.kubeStateMetricsEnabled If true, create kube-state-metrics true
clusterAgent.enabled Use the cluster-agent for cluster metrics (Kubernetes 1.10+ only) false
clusterAgent.token A cluster-internal secret for agent-to-agent communication. Must be 32+ characters a-zA-Z Generates a random value
clusterAgent.tokenExistingSecret If set, use the secret with a provided name instead of creating a new one nil
clusterAgent.image.repository The image repository for the cluster-agent datadog/cluster-agent
clusterAgent.image.tag The image tag to pull 1.2.0
clusterAgent.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
clusterAgent.image.pullSecrets Image pull secrets nil
clusterAgent.command Override the default command to run in the container nil
clusterAgent.rbac.create If true, create & use RBAC resources for cluster agent's pods true
clusterAgent.rbac.serviceAccount existing ServiceAccount to use (ignored if rbac.create=true) for cluster agent's pods default
clusterAgent.metricsProvider.enabled Enable Datadog metrics as a source for HPA scaling false
clusterAgent.metricsProvider.service.type The type of service to use for the clusterAgent metrics server ClusterIP
clusterAgent.metricsProvider.service.port The port for service to use for the clusterAgent metrics server (Kubernetes >= 1.15) 8443
clusterAgent.env Additional Datadog environment variables for the cluster-agent nil
clusterAgent.confd Additional check configurations (static and Autodiscovery) nil
clusterAgent.podAnnotations Annotations to add to the Cluster Agent Pod(s) nil
clusterAgent.podLabels Labels to add to the Cluster Agent Pod(s) nil
clusterAgent.createPodDisruptionBudget Enable a pod disruption budget to apply to the Cluster Agent pods false
clusterAgent.priorityClassName Name of the priorityClass to apply to the Cluster Agent nil
clusterAgent.nodeSelector Node selectors to apply to the Cluster Agent deployment nil
clusterAgent.affinity Node affinities to apply to the Cluster Agent deployment nil
clusterAgent.resources.requests.cpu CPU resource requests not set
clusterAgent.resources.limits.cpu CPU resource limits not set
clusterAgent.resources.requests.memory Memory resource requests not set
clusterAgent.resources.limits.memory Memory resource limits not set
clusterAgent.tolerations List of node taints to tolerate []
clusterAgent.healthPort Overrides the default health port used by the liveness and readiness endpoint 5555
clusterAgent.livenessProbe Overrides the default liveness probe http check on /live with port 5555
clusterAgent.readinessProbe Overrides the default readiness probe http check on /ready with port 5555
clusterAgent.strategy Which update strategy to deploy the cluster-agent RollingUpdate with 0 maxUnavailable, 1 maxSurge
clusterAgent.useHostNetwork If true, use the host's network nil
clusterAgent.dnsConfig If set, configure dnsConfig options in datadog cluster agent containers nil
clusterAgent.volumes Additional volumes for the cluster-agent deployment nil
clusterAgent.volumeMounts Additional volumeMounts for the cluster-agent deployment nil
clusterChecksRunner.enabled Enable Datadog agent deployment dedicated for running Cluster Checks. It allows having different resources (Request/Limit) for Cluster Checks agent pods. false
clusterChecksRunner.env Additional Datadog environment variables for Cluster Checks Deployment nil
clusterChecksRunner.createPodDisruptionBudget Enable a pod disruption budget to apply to the Cluster Checks pods false
clusterChecksRunner.resources.requests.cpu CPU resource requests not set
clusterChecksRunner.resources.limits.cpu CPU resource limits not set
clusterChecksRunner.resources.requests.memory Memory resource requests not set
clusterChecksRunner.resources.limits.memory Memory resource limits not set
clusterChecksRunner.nodeSelector Node selectors nil
clusterChecksRunner.tolerations List of node taints to tolerate nil
clusterChecksRunner.affinity Node affinities avoid running pods on the same node
clusterChecksRunner.livenessProbe Overrides the default liveness probe http check on /live with port 5555
clusterChecksRunner.readinessProbe Overrides the default readiness probe http check on /ready with port 5555
clusterChecksRunner.rbac.create If true, create & use RBAC resources for clusterchecks agent's pods true
clusterChecksRunner.rbac.dedicated If true, use dedicated RBAC resources for clusterchecks agent's pods false
clusterChecksRunner.rbac.serviceAccount existing ServiceAccount to use (ignored if rbac.create=true) for clusterchecks agent's pods default
clusterChecksRunner.rbac.serviceAccountAnnotations Annotations to add to the ServiceAccount if clusterChecksRunner.rbac.dedicated is true {}
clusterChecksRunner.strategy Which update strategy to deploy the Cluster Checks Deployment RollingUpdate with 0 maxUnavailable, 1 maxSurge
clusterChecksRunner.volumes Additional volumes for the Cluster Checks deployment nil
clusterChecksRunner.volumeMounts Additional volumeMounts for the Cluster Checks deployment nil
clusterChecksRunner.dnsConfig If set, configure dnsConfig options in datadog cluster agent clusterChecks containers nil
kube-state-metrics.rbac.create If true, create & use RBAC resources for kube-state-metrics true
kube-state-metrics.serviceAccount.create If true, create & use serviceAccount true If not set & create is true, use template fullname
kube-state-metrics.resources Overwrite the default kube-state-metrics container resources (Optional)

Configuration options for Windows deployments

Some options above are not working/not available on Windows, here is the list of unsupported options:

Parameter Reason
datadog.dogstatsd.useHostPID Host PID not supported by Windows Containers
datadog.dogstatsd.useSocketVolume Unix sockets not supported on Windows
datadog.dogstatsd.socketPath Unix sockets not supported on Windows
datadog.processAgent.processCollection Unable to access host/other containers processes
datadog.systemProbe.enabled System probe is not available for Windows
datadog.systemProbe.seccomp System probe is not available for Windows
datadog.systemProbe.seccompRoot System probe is not available for Windows
datadog.systemProbe.debugPort System probe is not available for Windows
datadog.systemProbe.enableConntrack System probe is not available for Windows
datadog.systemProbe.bpfDebug System probe is not available for Windows
datadog.systemProbe.apparmor System probe is not available for Windows
agents.useHostNetwork Host network not supported by Windows Containers