This Redis Kafka (sink) connector supports at the moment the modes
- cache mode
- insert-sorted-set mode
- multiple-sorted-sets mode
- geo-add mode
Purpose is to cache in Redis [Key-Value] pairs
Imagine a Kafka topic with currency foreign exchange rate messages:
{ "symbol": "USDGBP" , "price": 0.7943 }
{ "symbol": "EURGBP" , "price": 0.8597 }
You may want to store in Redis: the symbol as the Key
and the price as the Value
This will effectively make Redis a caching system, which multiple other application can access to get the (latest) value
To achieve that using this particular Kafka Redis Sink Connector, you need to specify the KCQL as:
SELECT price from yahoo-fx PK symbol
This will update the keys USDGBP
with the relevant price using the (default) Json format:
Key=EURGBP Value={ "price": 0.7943 }
We can prefix the name of the Key
using the INSERT statement:
INSERT INTO FX- SELECT price from yahoo-fx PK symbol
This will create keys with names FX-USDGBP
You may want to store in Redis the fields [firstName, lastName, age, salary] from the topic redis-topic:
{"firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "age":30, "salary": 4830}
You may want to use a composite primary key of firstName and lastName. To achieve that using this particular Kafka Redis Sink Connector, you need to specify the KCQL as:
SELECT * FROM redis-topic PK firstName, lastName
In this case the Key
would be John.Smith
You may also want to use a custom delimiter in the composite primary key of firstName and lastName.
In this case you need to set the optional configuration property
to dash:
In this case the key would be John-Smith
To insert messages from a Kafka topic into 1 Sorted Set (SS) use the following KCQL syntax:
INSERT INTO cpu_stats SELECT * from cpuTopic STOREAS SortedSet(score=timestamp)
This will create and add entries into the (sorted set) named cpu_stats
The entries will be ordered in the Redis set based on the score
that we define it to be the value of the timestamp
field of the Avro message from Kafka.
In the above example we are selecting and storing all the fields of the Kafka message.
You can create multiple sorted sets by promoting each value of one field from the Kafka message into one Sorted Set (SS) and selecting which values to store into the sorted-sets.
You can achieve that by using the KCQL syntax and defining with the filed using PK (primary key)
SELECT temperature, humidity FROM sensorsTopic PK sensorID STOREAS SortedSet(score=timestamp)
We can prefix the name of the Key
using the INSERT statement for Multiple SortedSets:
INSERT INTO FX- SELECT price from yahoo-fx PK symbol STOREAS SortedSet(score=timestamp)
This will create keys with names FX-USDGBP
To insert messages from a Kafka topic into a Redis set using GEOADD command use the folowing KCQL syntax:
INSERT INTO citities: SELECT * from addressTopic PK country STOREAS GeoAdd(longitudeField=longitude,latitudeField=latitude)
This will create and add entries into the (set) named citities:${country} with longitude and latitude field values.
The StoredAs
parameters such as longitudeField
and latitudeField
has default values longitude
and latitude
accordingly. The longitude
and latitude
values are required to be presented in the record in other case the record will be skipped.
In the above example we are selecting and storing all the fields of the Kafka message.
Redis can be used for to cache time-series and IoT use cases, using the Sorted Set data structure
Sorted Sets (SS) can effectively store unique values
sorted on a score
. This can be exploited
by i.e. creating a SortedSet USD2GBP
and storing
i) the timestamp in millis as the score
ii) encode both the actual value/s & the timestamp as the value
, in a flat or Json structure
ZADD EUR2GBP 1392141527298 '{"timestamp":1392141527298,"price":0.8562}'
ZADD EUR2GBP 1392141529299 '{"timestamp":1392141529299,"price":0.8603}'
If you notice that the timestamp
is also stored in the json in the value
, this is purposeful: to ensure uniqueness. Otherwise the SS
would deduplicate if { "price":0.8562 }
comes is twice in a time-line
Once information is stored inside a Redis sorted sets - we can query for i.e. yesterday with:
zrangebyscore USD2GBP <currentTimeInMillis - 86400000> <currentTimeInMillis>
- This plugin requires JSON to be parsed using the AVRO Converter and therefore does not support schemaless JSON.