haskellnews.org is an aggregation of all online content related to Haskell.
I think this paints a fairly comprehensive picture of the Haskell community’s public activities.
Certainly, if you want Haskell news, here is the best place online to go.
Haskell News - Chris Done
All content is updated every 10 minutes.
Want more features or sources integrated? Open an issue!
Fork the repository and use Git to clone your copy:
$ git clone https://github.com/<username>/haskellnews/
Using Stack, build the project:
$ stack build
Note. If you are a Cabal user, please help out and submit a PR with the relevant Cabal commands to get started. Much appreciated!
Meanwhile, you can create a local copy of the necessary configuration:
$ cp haskellnews.conf.sample haskellnews.conf
Create a development PostgreSQL database:
$ sudo su postgres --command 'createuser haskellnews -P'
$ sudo su postgres --command 'createdb haskellnews -O haskellnews'
Then, create the initial version:
$ stack exec haskellnews haskellnews.conf create-version
Import Haskell content with:
$ stack exec haskellnews haskellnews.conf github
$ stack exec haskellnews haskellnews.conf import
Note. Your haskellnews
database now has a public
table full of item
And finally, run the server:
$ stack exec haskellnews haskellnews.conf