This application is an example of a simple ZK-rollup application for Ethereum meant to help learner-practitioners of zero-knowledge applications. We use the Circom and SnarkJS.
DO NOT USE IT IN PRODUCTION: the main goal here is to document the implementation with a clean, well-organized code, meant for learning, making the topic more accessible to beginners. In addition, the scripts subdirectory has useful scripts for the ZK-proof pipeline in Javascript (we only use two of them, but other useful tools are provided). If you need anything in production, do not use this code and do not "roll your own crypto": find another implementation, one that has been instead subject to auditing and written specifically for that purpose.
NOTE: I also published a meant-to-be-learned Javascript project for threshold signatures, blind signatures, ring signatures, KZG polynomial commitments, verifiable random functions (VRFs), etc in "Learning Cryptography with Javascript".
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I am considering implementing the Sumcheck, GKR, and Plonk protocols from scratch, with the same mindset of making the contents more accessible for beginners.
We first install dependencies related to Hardhat, the development environment we use here. We also install Ethers to allow our Javascript index.mjs
interact with the local blockchain created/executed by Hardhat. We install circomlib to provide useful components to design circuits in the circuits subdirectory. We also install circomlibjs that provides matching functionality to be used within Javascript applications. Finally, we install snarkjs to allow us to generate proofs in Javascript and generate Solidity contracts using a circom description of our computation to be proved in zero-knowledge.
npm install
We need to generate our trusted setup data and essentially follow the procedure described here. A set of scripts in the scripts directory makes that task simpler. You can easily change in the scripts the size of the trusted setup, the target curve, and the proof system (Groth16 or Plonk).
Generate the powers of tau (can take a while):
sh -x scripts/
Compile the circuit using circom and generate the data used by the verifier to check the proof. This also generates subdirectories BatchVerifier_js and WithdrawVerifier_js along with a few executables that will allow the prover to generate the witness and the proof of knowledge for both circuits. Think of those, respectively, as the internal states of the computation using the inputs and as many polynomial commitments and verifications that attest that these internal states of computation must involve the right private and public inputs.
sh -x scripts/ BatchVerifier
sh -x scripts/ WithdrawVerifier
Generate the verifier contracts that will be deployed on chain. These contracts will do the mathematical verification in zero-knowledge of the claim that the prover has the private inputs that satisfy the computational condition (which also involve the public inputs).
# (from the top directory)
cd BatchVerifier_js
snarkjs zkey export solidityverifier batchverifier_final.zkey ../contracts/BatchVerifier.sol
# (from the top directory)
cd WithdrawVerifier_js
snarkjs zkey export solidityverifier withdrawverifier_final.zkey ../contracts/WithdrawVerifier.sol
Note: edit contracts/BatchVerifier.sol and contracts/WithdrawVerifier.sol and change the name of the contracts, respectively, to "BatchVerifier" and "WithdrawVerifier" (and not something like Groth16Verifier
or PlonkVerifier
We need hashers that will calculate outputs deployed on chain. The libraries circomlib/circomlibjs allow us to generate many such Poseidon hashers.
node scripts/generateHasher.mjs
Compile contracts
npx hardhat compile
Launch the blockchain
npx hardhat node
Deploy the contracts
node scripts/deploy.mjs
Run the example
node index.mjs
This code is licensed under the 3-Clause BSD License. Please maintain the donation addresses if you fork the repository. Do not use this code in production. If you need anything in production, do not use this code and do not "roll your own crypto": find another implementation, one that has been instead subject to auditing and written specifically for that purpose.