Welcome! This thread is on expressing interest in contributing to GUAC! We are glad to welcome our fellow open source contributors! As the project is starting up, we will be creating issues that folks can pick up and work on. In the meantime, as the code base is forming up, we'd like to engage directly with our contributors!
BTW we now have a slack channel:
If you are interested in contributing, it would be very helpful to provide the following details (copy and paste into your comment):
1. I am interested in contributing to:
- [ ] Development
- [ ] Documentation
- [ ] Issue triage and community
- [ ] Technical advisory (review [governance document](
2. I am here because:
- [ ] Personal interest
- [ ] My company/orgs i work with are interested in this
3. What is your associated company/org if you're contributing in their capacity? _________
4. Depending on how things go, I may be interested in becoming a maintainer of the project
- [ ] Yes
5. (optional) I have expertise in:
- [ ] Neo4j
- [ ] Cypher
- [ ] GraphQL
- [ ] Intoto
- [ ] SPDX
- [ ] CycloneDX
- [ ] Others (fill in):
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