The long lost Emacs string manipulation library.
It's available on marmalade and Melpa:
M-x package-install s
Or you can just dump s.el
in your load path somewhere.
- s-trim
- s-trim-left
- s-trim-right
- s-chomp
- s-collapse-whitespace
- s-word-wrap
(len s)
- s-center
(len s)
- s-truncate
(len s)
- s-left
(len s)
- s-right
(len s)
- s-chop-suffix
(suffix s)
- s-chop-suffixes
(suffixes s)
- s-chop-prefix
(prefix s)
- s-chop-prefixes
(prefixes s)
- s-shared-start
(s1 s2)
- s-shared-end
(s1 s2)
- s-lines
- s-match
(regexp s &optional start)
- s-slice-at
(regexp s)
- s-split
(separator s &optional omit-nulls)
- s-join
(separator strings)
- s-equals?
(s1 s2)
- s-less?
(s1 s2)
- s-matches?
(regexp s &optional start)
- s-blank?
- s-ends-with?
(suffix s &optional ignore-case)
- s-starts-with?
(prefix s &optional ignore-case)
- s-contains?
(needle s &optional ignore-case)
- s-lowercase?
- s-uppercase?
- s-mixedcase?
- s-capitalized?
- s-numeric?
- s-replace
(old new s)
- s-replace-all
(replacements s)
- s-downcase
- s-upcase
- s-capitalize
- s-titleize
- s-with
(s form &rest more)
- s-index-of
(needle s &optional ignore-case)
- s-reverse
- s-format
(template replacer &optional extra)
- s-lex-format
- s-split-words
- s-lower-camel-case
- s-upper-camel-case
- s-snake-case
- s-dashed-words
- s-capitalized-words
- s-titleized-words
Remove whitespace at the beginning and end of s
(s-trim "trim ") ;; => "trim"
(s-trim " this") ;; => "this"
(s-trim " only trims beg and end ") ;; => "only trims beg and end"
Remove whitespace at the beginning of s
(s-trim-left "trim ") ;; => "trim "
(s-trim-left " this") ;; => "this"
Remove whitespace at the end of s
(s-trim-right "trim ") ;; => "trim"
(s-trim-right " this") ;; => " this"
Remove one trailing \n
, \r
or \r\n
from s
(s-chomp "no newlines\n") ;; => "no newlines"
(s-chomp "no newlines\r\n") ;; => "no newlines"
(s-chomp "some newlines\n\n") ;; => "some newlines\n"
Convert all adjacent whitespace characters to a single space.
(s-collapse-whitespace "only one space please") ;; => "only one space please"
(s-collapse-whitespace "collapse \n all \t sorts of \r whitespace") ;; => "collapse all sorts of whitespace"
If s
is longer than len
, wrap the words with newlines.
(s-word-wrap 10 "This is too long") ;; => "This is\ntoo long"
(s-word-wrap 10 "This is way way too long") ;; => "This is\nway way\ntoo long"
(s-word-wrap 10 "It-wraps-words-but-does-not-break-them") ;; => "It-wraps-words-but-does-not-break-them"
If s
is shorter than len
, pad it with spaces so it is centered.
(s-center 5 "a") ;; => " a "
(s-center 5 "ab") ;; => " ab "
(s-center 1 "abc") ;; => "abc"
If s
is longer than len
, cut it down and add ... at the end.
(s-truncate 6 "This is too long") ;; => "Thi..."
(s-truncate 16 "This is also too long") ;; => "This is also ..."
(s-truncate 16 "But this is not!") ;; => "But this is not!"
Returns up to the len
first chars of s
(s-left 3 "lib/file.js") ;; => "lib"
(s-left 3 "li") ;; => "li"
Returns up to the len
last chars of s
(s-right 3 "lib/file.js") ;; => ".js"
(s-right 3 "li") ;; => "li"
Remove suffix
if it is at end of s
(s-chop-suffix "-test.js" "penguin-test.js") ;; => "penguin"
(s-chop-suffix "\n" "no newlines\n") ;; => "no newlines"
(s-chop-suffix "\n" "some newlines\n\n") ;; => "some newlines\n"
Remove suffixes
one by one in order, if they are at the end of s
(s-chop-suffixes '("_test.js" "-test.js" "Test.js") "penguin-test.js") ;; => "penguin"
(s-chop-suffixes '("\r" "\n") "penguin\r\n") ;; => "penguin\r"
(s-chop-suffixes '("\n" "\r") "penguin\r\n") ;; => "penguin"
Remove prefix
if it is at the start of s
(s-chop-prefix "/tmp" "/tmp/file.js") ;; => "/file.js"
(s-chop-prefix "/tmp" "/tmp/tmp/file.js") ;; => "/tmp/file.js"
Remove prefixes
one by one in order, if they are at the start of s
(s-chop-prefixes '("/tmp" "/my") "/tmp/my/file.js") ;; => "/file.js"
(s-chop-prefixes '("/my" "/tmp") "/tmp/my/file.js") ;; => "/my/file.js"
Returns the longest prefix s1
and s2
have in common.
(s-shared-start "bar" "baz") ;; => "ba"
(s-shared-start "foobar" "foo") ;; => "foo"
(s-shared-start "bar" "foo") ;; => ""
Returns the longest suffix s1
and s2
have in common.
(s-shared-end "bar" "var") ;; => "ar"
(s-shared-end "foo" "foo") ;; => "foo"
(s-shared-end "bar" "foo") ;; => ""
Make a string of s
repeated num
(s-repeat 10 " ") ;; => " "
(s-concat (s-repeat 8 "Na") " Batman!") ;; => "NaNaNaNaNaNaNaNa Batman!"
Join all the string arguments into one string.
(s-concat "abc" "def" "ghi") ;; => "abcdefghi"
Concatenate prefix
and s
(s-prepend "abc" "def") ;; => "abcdef"
Concatenate s
and suffix
(s-append "abc" "def") ;; => "defabc"
Splits s
into a list of strings on newline characters.
(s-lines "abc\ndef\nghi") ;; => '("abc" "def" "ghi")
(s-lines "abc\rdef\rghi") ;; => '("abc" "def" "ghi")
(s-lines "abc\r\ndef\r\nghi") ;; => '("abc" "def" "ghi")
When the given expression matches the string, this function returns a list of the whole matching string and a string for each matched subexpressions. If it did not match the returned value is an empty list (nil).
When start
is non-nil the search will start at that index.
(s-match "^def" "abcdefg") ;; => nil
(s-match "^abc" "abcdefg") ;; => '("abc")
(s-match "^/.*/\\([a-z]+\\)\\.\\([a-z]+\\)" "/some/weird/file.html") ;; => '("/some/weird/file.html" "file" "html")
Slices s
up at every index matching regexp
(s-slice-at "-" "abc") ;; => '("abc")
(s-slice-at "-" "abc-def") ;; => '("abc" "-def")
(s-slice-at "[.#]" "abc.def.ghi#id") ;; => '("abc" ".def" ".ghi" "#id")
Split s
into substrings bounded by matches for regexp separator
If omit-nulls
is t, zero-length substrings are omitted.
This is a simple wrapper around the built-in split-string
(s-split "|" "a|bc|12|3") ;; => '("a" "bc" "12" "3")
(s-split ":" "a,c,d") ;; => '("a,c,d")
(s-split "\n" "z\nefg\n") ;; => '("z" "efg" "")
Join all the strings in strings
with separator
in between.
(s-join "+" '("abc" "def" "ghi")) ;; => "abc+def+ghi"
(s-join "\n" '("abc" "def" "ghi")) ;; => "abc\ndef\nghi"
Is s1
equal to s2
This is a simple wrapper around the built-in string-equal
(s-equals? "abc" "ABC") ;; => nil
(s-equals? "abc" "abc") ;; => t
Is s1
less than s2
This is a simple wrapper around the built-in string-lessp
(s-less? "abc" "abd") ;; => t
(s-less? "abd" "abc") ;; => nil
(s-less? "abc" "abc") ;; => nil
Does regexp
match s
If start
is non-nil the search starts at that index.
This is a simple wrapper around the built-in string-match-p
(s-matches? "^[0-9]+$" "123") ;; => t
(s-matches? "^[0-9]+$" "a123") ;; => nil
(s-matches? "1" "1a" 1) ;; => nil
Is s
nil or the empty string?
(s-blank? "") ;; => t
(s-blank? nil) ;; => t
(s-blank? " ") ;; => nil
Does s
end with suffix
If ignore-case
is non-nil, the comparison is done without paying
attention to case differences.
Alias: s-suffix?
(s-ends-with? ".md" "") ;; => t
(s-ends-with? ".MD" "") ;; => nil
(s-ends-with? ".MD" "" t) ;; => t
Does s
start with prefix
If ignore-case
is non-nil, the comparison is done without paying
attention to case differences.
Alias: s-prefix?
. This is a simple wrapper around the built-in
(s-starts-with? "lib/" "lib/file.js") ;; => t
(s-starts-with? "LIB/" "lib/file.js") ;; => nil
(s-starts-with? "LIB/" "lib/file.js" t) ;; => t
Does s
contain needle
If ignore-case
is non-nil, the comparison is done without paying
attention to case differences.
(s-contains? "file" "lib/file.js") ;; => t
(s-contains? "nope" "lib/file.js") ;; => nil
(s-contains? "^a" "it's not ^a regexp") ;; => t
Are all the letters in s
in lower case?
(s-lowercase? "file") ;; => t
(s-lowercase? "File") ;; => nil
(s-lowercase? "filä") ;; => t
Are all the letters in s
in upper case?
(s-uppercase? "HULK SMASH") ;; => t
(s-uppercase? "Bruce no smash") ;; => nil
(s-uppercase? "FöB") ;; => nil
Are there both lower case and upper case letters in s
(s-mixedcase? "HULK SMASH") ;; => nil
(s-mixedcase? "Bruce no smash") ;; => t
(s-mixedcase? "BRÜCE") ;; => nil
In s
, is the first letter upper case, and all other letters lower case?
(s-capitalized? "Capitalized") ;; => t
(s-capitalized? "I am capitalized") ;; => t
(s-capitalized? "I Am Titleized") ;; => nil
Is s
a number?
(s-numeric? "123") ;; => t
(s-numeric? "onetwothree") ;; => nil
(s-numeric? "7a") ;; => nil
Replaces old
with new
in s
(s-replace "file" "nope" "lib/file.js") ;; => "lib/nope.js"
(s-replace "^a" "\\1" "it's not ^a regexp") ;; => "it's not \\1 regexp"
is a list of cons-cells. Each car
is replaced with cdr
in s
(s-replace-all '(("lib" . "test") ("file" . "file_test")) "lib/file.js") ;; => "test/file_test.js"
(s-replace-all '(("lib" . "test") ("test" . "lib")) "lib/test.js") ;; => "test/lib.js"
Convert s
to lower case.
This is a simple wrapper around the built-in downcase
(s-downcase "ABC") ;; => "abc"
Convert s
to upper case.
This is a simple wrapper around the built-in upcase
(s-upcase "abc") ;; => "ABC"
Convert the first word's first character to upper case and the rest to lower case in s
(s-capitalize "abc DEF") ;; => "Abc def"
(s-capitalize "abc.DEF") ;; => "Abc.def"
Convert each word's first character to upper case and the rest to lower case in s
This is a simple wrapper around the built-in capitalize
(s-titleize "abc DEF") ;; => "Abc Def"
(s-titleize "abc.DEF") ;; => "Abc.Def"
Threads s
through the forms. Inserts s
as the last item
in the first form, making a list of it if it is not a list
already. If there are more forms, inserts the first form as the
last item in second form, etc.
(s-with " hulk smash " s-trim s-upcase) ;; => "HULK SMASH"
(s-with "My car is a Toyota" (s-replace "car" "name") (s-replace "a Toyota" "Bond") (s-append ", James Bond")) ;; => "My name is Bond, James Bond"
(s-with "abc \ndef \nghi" s-lines (mapcar 's-trim) (s-join "-") s-reverse) ;; => "ihg-fed-cba"
Returns first index of needle
in s
, or nil.
If ignore-case
is non-nil, the comparison is done without paying
attention to case differences.
(s-index-of "abc" "abcdef") ;; => 0
(s-index-of "CDE" "abcdef" t) ;; => 2
(s-index-of "n.t" "not a regexp") ;; => nil
Return the reverse of s
(s-reverse "abc") ;; => "cba"
(s-reverse "ab xyz") ;; => "zyx ba"
(s-reverse "") ;; => ""
Format template
with the function replacer
takes an argument of the format variable and optionally
an extra argument which is the extra
value from the call to
Several standard s-format
helper functions are recognized and
adapted for this:
(s-format "${name}" 'gethash hash-table)
(s-format "${name}" 'aget alist)
(s-format "$0" 'elt sequence)
The replacer
function may be used to do any other kind of
(s-format "help ${name}! I'm ${malady}" 'aget '(("name" . "nic") ("malady" . "on fire"))) ;; => "help nic! I'm on fire"
(s-format "hello ${name}, nice day" (lambda (var-name) "nic")) ;; => "hello nic, nice day"
(s-format "hello $0, nice $1" 'elt '("nic" "day")) ;; => "hello nic, nice day"
with the lexical environment.
may use the s-format
variable reference to refer to
any lexical variable:
(let ((x 1)) (s-lex-format "x is: ${x}"))
The values of the lexical variables are interpolated with "%s"
unless the variable s-lex-value-as-lisp
is t
and then they
are interpolated with "%S".
If the macro is used in a non-lexical-binding context then it's behaviour depends on the variable `'
(let ((x 1)) (s-lex-format "x is ${x}")) ;; => "x is 1"
(let ((str1 "this") (str2 "that")) (s-lex-format "${str1} and ${str2}")) ;; => "this and that"
Split s
into list of words.
(s-split-words "under_score") ;; => '("under" "score")
(s-split-words "some-dashed-words") ;; => '("some" "dashed" "words")
(s-split-words "evenCamelCase") ;; => '("even" "Camel" "Case")
Convert s
to lowerCamelCase.
(s-lower-camel-case "some words") ;; => "someWords"
(s-lower-camel-case "dashed-words") ;; => "dashedWords"
(s-lower-camel-case "under_scored_words") ;; => "underScoredWords"
Convert s
to UpperCamelCase.
(s-upper-camel-case "some words") ;; => "SomeWords"
(s-upper-camel-case "dashed-words") ;; => "DashedWords"
(s-upper-camel-case "under_scored_words") ;; => "UnderScoredWords"
Convert s
to snake_case.
(s-snake-case "some words") ;; => "some_words"
(s-snake-case "dashed-words") ;; => "dashed_words"
(s-snake-case "camelCasedWords") ;; => "camel_cased_words"
Convert s
to dashed-words.
(s-dashed-words "some words") ;; => "some-words"
(s-dashed-words "under_scored_words") ;; => "under-scored-words"
(s-dashed-words "camelCasedWords") ;; => "camel-cased-words"
Convert s
to Capitalized Words.
(s-capitalized-words "some words") ;; => "Some words"
(s-capitalized-words "under_scored_words") ;; => "Under scored words"
(s-capitalized-words "camelCasedWords") ;; => "Camel cased words"
Convert s
to Titleized Words.
(s-titleized-words "some words") ;; => "Some Words"
(s-titleized-words "under_scored_words") ;; => "Under Scored Words"
(s-titleized-words "camelCasedWords") ;; => "Camel Cased Words"
Imagine looking through the function list and seeing s-ends-with?
, but
is nowhere to be found. Why? Well, because Emacs already has
. Now you're starting out slightly confused, then have to go
somewhere else to dig for the command you were looking for.
The wrapping functions serve as both documentation for existing functions and makes for a consistent API.
inflections package provides functions for strings pluralization and singularization.
levenshtein package provides a function to calculate the Levenshtein distance between two strings.
string-utils is another general string manipulation library.
- Add
(Nic Ferrier)
- Add
- Add
- Add
- Add
alias forsplit-string
(Rüdiger Sonderfeld) - Add
predicate (Rüdiger Sonderfeld) - Add START parameter to
(Rüdiger Sonderfeld) - Bugfixes
- Add
- Add
(Arthur Andersen) - Add
(Nic Ferrier) - Move .el files out of root to avoid problems with require.
Breaking change:
now converts the first word's first character to upper case and the rest to lower case.s-titleize
works like the olds-capitalize
and capitalizes each word. (Johan Andersson) -
mirror this change.
- Arthur Andersen contributed
- Rolando contributed
- Johan Andersson added
and changeds-capitalize
- Nic Ferrier added
- Rüdiger Sonderfeld contributed
and several bugfixes.
Yes, please do. Pure functions in the string manipulation realm only,
please. There's a suite of tests in dev/examples.el
, so remember to add
tests for your function, or I might break it later.
You'll find the repo at:
Run the tests with
Create the docs with
I highly recommend that you install these as a pre-commit hook, so that the tests are always running and the docs are always in sync:
cp .git/hooks/pre-commit
Oh, and don't edit
directly, it is auto-generated.
or examples-to-docs.el
Copyright (C) 2012 Magnar Sveen
Authors: Magnar Sveen [email protected] Keywords: strings
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see