💻 I am a software developer at NVIDIA who works on open source scientific software.
🔬 I am a core maintainer of scikit-image, SciPy and PyWavelets and contributor to many other scientific software projects.
💥 I co-created the RAPIDS cuCIM project for GPU-accelerated image processing via a scikit-image compatible API. This relies on the excellent CuPy project.
🧠 Python has a number of nice neuroimaging-focused projects. Dipy, nibabel and nipype were some of the first packages I worked with when I was new to Python.
🏫 I have a doctorate in biomedical engineering and worked for a number of years as a researcher in magnetic reonance imaging (MRI). I have a general interest in the area of medical imaging and image processing.
💬 Ask me about contributing to open source projects or how you can accelerate your image/data analysis workflows.