constructor Arduino: Adafruit_NeoPixel XOD: awgrover/adafruit-neopixel-ll/input-adafruitneopixel cpp postfix: adafruitneopixel
n : number.
p : number.
t : number.
adafruitneopixel : self.
done : pulse.
constructor Arduino: Adafruit_NeoPixel XOD: awgrover/adafruit-neopixel-ll/input-adafruitneopixel cpp postfix: adafruitneopixel
done : pulse.
trigger : pulse.
done : pulse.
trigger : pulse.
val : boolean.
done : pulse.
trigger : pulse.
done : pulse.
val : number.
Allows to create feedback loops. Repeats a change of the input on the output right after the current transaction will complete.
Outputs true if IN1
= IN2
, and false otherwise
OUT : boolean.
Light up the first 3 pixels in Red, Green, Blue order. Nearest the Arduino should be Red, then Green, then Blue. This should help you decode the right RGB code to use (e.g. GRB, etc).
Light up the first pixel in order: OFF, Red, Green, Blue. Like the 3 pixel revelation, but this only requires 1 pixel. This should help you decode the right RGB code to use (e.g. GRB, etc).
Turn all pixels light green, one by one. Repeat. Based on the Adafruit Neopixel example "simple",
trigger : pulse.
val : number.
done : pulse.
Allows values to pass through only if EN pin is set to true
EN : boolean. Whether values should pass through
trigger : pulse.
val : number.
done : pulse.
trigger : pulse.
val : number.
done : pulse.
trigger : pulse.
val : number.
done : pulse.
trigger : pulse.
val : number.
done : pulse.
Outputs either input value depending on condition
COND : boolean. Condition value
trigger : pulse.
val : number.
done : pulse.
p : number.
trigger : pulse.
done : pulse.
n : number.
r : number.
g : number.
b : number.
trigger : pulse.
done : pulse.
trigger : pulse.
done : pulse.
trigger : pulse.
val : number.
done : pulse.
n : number.
trigger : pulse.
done : pulse.
t : number.
trigger : pulse.
done : pulse.
Convert anything into a pulse
data : string. Actually takes any
pulse : pulse.
Convert (each) true into a pulse. Compare with cast-boolean-to-pulse
bool : boolean. boolean, or Number (0=false, everything else is true)
pulse : pulse.
From START to LIMIT by STEP each INC. Then reset to START. Either up or down. aka Sawtooth.
START : number (0). Start the sequence at this value.
STEP : number (0.00390625). Amount to change on each increment. Automatically deals with counting down.
LIMIT : number (1). Limit of change, goes back to START on the next increment.
INC : pulse. Triggers a single change.
RST : pulse. Resets the sequence to START.
COUNT : number. The current value.
Count up/down on each INC pulse. Will not exceed MAX or go-below MIN. I.e. Count up to MAX. Won't output if nothing changes (e.g. RST when already MIN, or just changing STEP)
MIN : number. Minimum value of OUT. Stops counting down when it hits this value. Will reset to this value on RST if STEP is positive.
STEP : number (0.00392157). Value to add on each INC pulse. Use a negative value (e.g. -1) to make decrements. Default is 0..1 in 255 steps of .00392156 suitable for PWM
INC : pulse. On a pulse, add the STEP to the current OUT. Thus negative decrements. There will be no output if the OUT doesn't change. e.g. A STEP of 0.
MAX : number (1). Maximum value of OUT. Stops counting up when it hits this value. Will reset to this value on RST if STEP is negative.
RST : pulse (ON_BOOT). Reset the output to MIN. NB: the default of "on boot" will cause OUT to be MIN on the first transaction. (if STEP is negative, then it will use MAX for above).
OUT : number. The changing value, never below MIN or above MAX. Will not output unless this value changes.
Simplified count: 0 to 1 by INC. Then repeat. Default is 256 steps suitable for LEDs etc. aka sawtooth.
STEP : number (0.256).
INC : pulse.
counts from 0 to LIMIT in N steps. e.g. 0..1000 in 255 steps. sawtooth.
LIMIT : number (1).
STEPS : number (255).
INC : pulse.
COUNT : number.
This button signals up & down. The signal is immediate (debounce inhibits signals for 20msec). Assumes normally-open switch. Does input-pullup.
port : number. any pin. other side of switch should be to ground
close : pulse. pulse when button is pushed (closed)
open : pulse. pulse when button is released (opened)
Reads digital signal value from board port. Can set input-pullup.
PORT : number. Number of a board digital port to read from
PULLUP : boolean. use INPUT_PULLUP, i.e. pin is held high by a large value resistor (~20k ohm). False is default INPUT behavior
UPD : pulse (CONTINUOUSLY). Triggers new read
VAL : number (0). The latest read value: 0 or 1
Outputs either input value depending on condition
COND : boolean. Condition value
T : string. Value to be output if condition is true
F : string. Value to be output if condition is false
R : string (0). Outputs value of
is true, andF
Compares 2 strings, giving <, =, or > boolean output.
a : string. String 1 to compare
b : string. string 2 to compare
less : boolean.
eq : boolean.
greater : boolean.
Bank-Select and Program-Change
Prg# : number (1). Progrm Change Number
MSB : number. MSB for bank select
LSB : number. LSB for bank select
Ch : number (1). MIDI Channel
send : pulse. Send when triggered
sent : pulse. Pulse when sent
Set the inputs, send the control change on pulse ("send").
CC : number (3). Controller Number
Val : number. Controller Value
Ch : number (1). MIDI Channel
send : pulse. Send when triggered
sent : pulse. pulse when sent
For this to work, it must fire first. Putting in the top-left helps. Sets baud to 115200 for debugging
dumy : pulse (ON_BOOT).
Real simple examples
Start/stop a note.
Num : number (60). Note number
Ch : number (1). MIDI Channel
VelOn : number (64). Velocity Level (on). often volume, depends on the instrument
VelOff : number. some instruments respond to off-velocity, or have decay. Normally 0
play : pulse. Send NoteOn when triggered
stop : pulse. Send NoteOff when triggered
A button starts the note (push) and stops on release. Uses xod/common-hardware/button
port : number (10). pin for button
No. : number (60). Note Number
Ch : number (1). MIDI Channel
VelOn : number (64). Velocity Level (on). Often volume, depends on the instrument
VelOff : number. some instruments respond to off-velocity, or have decay. Normally 0
Set the inputs, send on pulse ("send")
Prg : number (1). Program Change Number
Ch : number (1). MIDI Channel
send : pulse. Send when triggered
sent : pulse. Pulse when sent
Produce n ticks/sec. aka Hz
Hz : number (1). ticks/second
RST : pulse. Resets clock. Hz starts from 'now'. e.g. Synchronize.
tick : pulse.
Output the DATA on the console-log, possibly followed by a space. End-of-line is optional. So you can output more than 1 thing per line.
data : string.
space : boolean (1). Puts a space after DATA
EOL : boolean.
chain : pulse. pulses on output to chain these
output "[time] prefix data". So you can see when it happened, what it's for (prefix). Unlike console-log, this outputs on prefix, or data. Of course, also on trig.
prefix : string (). A label before the data: ts] prefix data Convenience for adding a label.
data : string. Any data except pulse. Log the data on update.
trig : pulse. also triggers output of current values
On pulse or boolean, copy the boolean out. Set always=false to only copy if the boolean has changed. Acts like casting pulse to boolean
boolean : boolean. The boolean to copy
pulse : pulse. Also copy on a pulse
always : boolean (1). On pulse or boolean, copy 'boolean'. If false, only copy when 'boolean' changes.
copy : boolean. The 'boolean'
trig : pulse.
On pulse or number, copy the number out. Set always=false to only copy if the number has changed. Acts like casting pulse to number
number : number. The number to copy
pulse : pulse. Also copy on a pulse
always : boolean (1). On pulse or number, copy 'number'. If false, only copy when 'number' changes.
copy : number. The 'number'
trig : pulse.
On pulse or text, copy the text out. Set always=false to only copy if the text has changed. Acts like casting pulse to text
text : string. The text to copy
pulse : pulse. Also copy on a pulse
always : boolean (1). On pulse or text, copy 'text'. If false, only copy when 'text' changes.
copy : string. The 'text'
trig : pulse.
Bank-Select and Program-Change
Prg# : number (1). Progrm Change Number
MSB : number. MSB for bank select
LSB : number. LSB for bank select
Ch : number (1). MIDI Channel
send : pulse. Send when triggered
sent : pulse. Pulse when sent
Set the inputs, send the control change on pulse ("send").
CC : number (3). Controller Number
Val : number. Controller Value
Ch : number (1). MIDI Channel
send : pulse. Send when triggered
sent : pulse. pulse when sent
For this to work, it must fire first. Putting in the top-left helps. Sets baud to 115200 for debugging
dumy : pulse (ON_BOOT).
Real simple examples
Start/stop a note.
No. : number (60). Note number
Ch : number (1). MIDI Channel
VelOn : number (64). Velocity Level (on). often volume, depends on the instrument
VelOff : number. some instruments respond to off-velocity, or have decay. Normally 0
play : pulse. Send NoteOn when triggered
stop : pulse. Send NoteOff when triggered
A button starts the note (push) and stops on release. Uses xod/common-hardware/button
port : number (10). pin for button
No. : number (60). Note Number
Ch : number (1). MIDI Channel
VelOn : number (64). Velocity Level (on). Often volume, depends on the instrument
VelOff : number. some instruments respond to off-velocity, or have decay. Normally 0
Set the inputs, send on pulse ("send")
Prg# : number (1). Program Change Number
Ch : number (1). MIDI Channel
send : pulse. Send when triggered
sent : pulse. Pulse when sent