= Contributing to Gravitee.io
You think Gravitee.io is awesome, and you'd like to contribute?
Here are some guidelines that should help you get started.
== Bootstrap Your Dev Environment
// tag::dev-guide[]
=== Overview
This section explains how to set up your environment to start contributing to APIM.
=== Prerequisites
You will need the following tools installed on your computer:
* Java (JDK >= 17)
* Maven
* Docker
* Yarn 4.1.1 (preferably with NVM)
=== Get the project and prepare your workspace
Clone the project in your workspace::
[source, bash]
git clone https://github.com/gravitee-io/gravitee-api-management
Build APIM Management API and Gateway::
The default build command is:
[source, bash]
mvn clean install -T 2C
If you want to skip license validation, prettier checks, and tests, you can use:
[source, bash]
mvn clean install -T 2C -DskipTests=true -Dskip.validation=true
NOTE: This command will build create a `distribution` folder in the `target` folder of each module.
These folders contain a full distribution of Management API and Gateway, with default plugins.
These `distribution` folder should be used as the `gravitee.home` environment variable
To get a bundle with all the plugins (default, enterprise etc) you need to build the project with the following profile activated: `bundle-default,bundle-dev`.
For instance:
[source, bash]
mvn clean install -T 2C -P bundle-default,bundle-dev
Prepare APIM Console UI and Portal UI::
First, be sure to have the correct version of node installed, there are .nvmrc files in the UI projects.
If you've `nvm` installed, you can use `nvm use` to switch to the appropriate version of node.
Then run `yarn` in the following directories:
- `gravitee-api-management/gravitee-apim-console-webui`
- `gravitee-api-management/gravitee-apim-portal-webui`
=== Run Prerequisites
Before starting APIM Management API and Gateway, you need to start MongoDB and ElasticSearch. +
You can, for instance, use docker.
[source, bash]
docker run -p 27017:27017 --name local-mongo -d mongo:7
[source, bash]
docker run -d --name local-es8 -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:8.10.4
=== Run Configuration
==== APIM Gateway (gravitee-apim-gateway)
IntelliJ configuration::
The project includes by default the configuration `Gateway - MongoDB` to run the Gateway.
CLI Version::
Run `./gravitee` from the `${GRAVITEE_HOME}/bin` directory.
NOTE: `${GRAVITEE_HOME}` refers to the `target/distribution` folder created before.
==== APIM Management API (gravitee-apim-rest-api)
IntelliJ configuration::
The project includes by default the configuration `Rest API - MongoDB` to run the Rest API.
CLI Version::
Run `./gravitee` from the `${GRAVITEE_HOME}/bin` directory.
NOTE: `${GRAVITEE_HOME}` refers to the `target/distribution` folder created before.
==== APIM Console (gravitee-apim-console-webui)
IntelliJ configuration::
Create a new Run configuration in IntelliJ:
. Click *Run -> Edit configurations -> â -> npm*.
. Name it as required.
. Choose *package.json: gravitee-api-management/gravitee-apim-console-webui/package.json*.
. Select *Command: run*.
. Select *Script: serve*.
TIP: To run `yarn` from IntelliJ, you can duplicate this configuration and choose *Command > Install*.
CLI Version::
Run `yarn serve` from the `gravitee-api-management/gravitee-apim-console-webui` directory to start the UI.
==== APIM Portal (gravitee-apim-portal-webui)
IntelliJ Configuration::
Create a new Run configuration in IntelliJ:
. Click *Run -> Edit configurations -> â -> npm*.
. Name it as required.
. Choose *package.json: gravitee-api-management/gravitee-apim-portal-webui/package.json*.
. Select *Command: run*.
. Select *Script: serve*.
TIP: To run `yarn` from IntelliJ, you can duplicate this configuration and choose *Command > Install*.
CLI Version::
Run `yarn serve` from the `gravitee-api-management/gravitee-apim-portal-webui` directory to start the UI.
// end::dev-guide[]
== Working with GitHub issues
We use GitHub issues to track bugs and enhancements. Found a bug in the source code? Want to propose new features or enhancements?
You can help us by submitting an issue in our https://github.com/gravitee-io/issues/issues[repository].
Before submitting your issue, please search the https://github.com/gravitee-io/issues/issues[issues archive] to see if your question has already been answered.
Providing the following information will help us deal quickly with your issue:
* **Overview of the issue** : describe the issue and why this is a bug for you.
* **Gravitee.io version(s)** : possible regression ?
* **Browsers and Operating System** : Linux/Windows/Docker ? Browser version for the UI, etc ...
* **You have stack trace, screenshots, logs ?** add these to the issue's description.
== Submitting changes
Have you submitted an issue to the project and know how to fix it? You can contribute to the project by https://guides.github.com/activities/forking/[forking the repository] and https://guides.github.com/activities/forking/#making-a-pull-request[submitting your pull requests].
Before you submit your pull request consider the following guidelines:
* Make your changes in a new git branch:
git checkout -b issue/