project( 'sxplayer', 'c', default_options: ['c_std=c99'], license: 'LGPL-2.1', meson_version: '>= 0.57.0', version: files('VERSION'), ) conf_data = configuration_data() version_array = meson.project_version().split('.') conf_data.set('version_major', version_array[0]) conf_data.set('version_minor', version_array[1]) conf_data.set('version_micro', version_array[2]) host_system = host_machine.system() cc = meson.get_compiler('c') install_rpath = get_option('rpath') ? get_option('prefix') / get_option('libdir') : '' # This trim prefix is used to make __FILE__ starts from the source dir with # out-of-tree builds. # Adjusted from trim_prefix = run_command([ find_program('python'), '-c', 'import sys,os;print(os.path.relpath(*sys.argv[1:3]))', meson.current_source_dir(), meson.project_build_root(), ], check: true).stdout().strip() add_project_arguments( cc.get_supported_arguments([ '-Werror=missing-prototypes', '-fmacro-prefix-map=@0@/='.format(trim_prefix), ]), language: 'c', ) if get_option('trace') add_project_arguments('-DENABLE_DBG=1', language: 'c') endif # # Dependencies, sometimes shared with the tools and tests # lib_deps = [ cc.find_library('m', required: false), dependency('threads'), dependency('libavformat', version: '>= 58.12.100'), dependency('libavfilter', version: '>= 7.16.100'), dependency('libavcodec', version: '>= 58.18.100'), dependency('libavutil', version: '>= 56.14.100'), ] vaapi_dep = dependency('libva', version: '>= 1.1.0', required: get_option('vaapi')) if vaapi_dep.found() lib_deps += vaapi_dep add_project_arguments('-DHAVE_VAAPI_HWACCEL=1', language: 'c') endif if host_system == 'darwin' lib_deps += dependency('appleframeworks', modules: [ 'CoreFoundation', 'CoreMedia', 'CoreVideo', 'QuartzCore', 'VideoToolbox', ]) endif # # Library # lib_src = files( 'src/api.c', 'src/async.c', 'src/decoder_ffmpeg.c', 'src/decoders.c', 'src/log.c', 'src/mod_decoding.c', 'src/mod_demuxing.c', 'src/mod_filtering.c', 'src/msg.c', 'src/utils.c', ) lib_c_args = [] if get_option('default_library') == 'shared' lib_c_args += '-DBUILD_SXPLAYER_SHARED_LIB' else lib_c_args += '-DUSE_SXPLAYER_STATIC_LIB' endif if host_system == 'darwin' lib_src += files('src/decoder_vt.c') endif libsxplayer = library( 'sxplayer', lib_src, dependencies: lib_deps, install: true, install_rpath: install_rpath, version: meson.project_version(), c_args: lib_c_args, gnu_symbol_visibility: 'hidden', ) lib_header = configure_file( input: files('src/'), output: 'sxplayer.h', configuration: conf_data ) install_headers(lib_header) if get_option('cpp-header') install_headers(files('src/sxplayer.hpp')) endif pkg = import('pkgconfig') pkg_extra_cflags = [] if get_option('default_library') == 'static' pkg_extra_cflags += '-DUSE_SXPLAYER_STATIC_LIB' endif pkg.generate( libsxplayer, name: 'libsxplayer', # not specifying the name would fallback on "sxplayer.pc" instead of "libsxplayer.pc" description: 'Stupeflix Player library', extra_cflags: pkg_extra_cflags, ) # # Player # player_deps = lib_deps + [ dependency('sdl2', required: get_option('player')), ] player_deps_found = true foreach dep : player_deps player_deps_found = player_deps_found and dep.found() endforeach if player_deps_found player = executable( 'sxplayer', files('src/sxplayer.c'), dependencies: player_deps, link_with: libsxplayer, install: true, install_rpath: install_rpath, ) endif # # Tests # if get_option('tests') media = files('tests/media.mkv') image = files('tests/image.jpg') exe_names = [ 'audio', 'audio_seek', 'comb', 'high_refresh_rate', 'image', 'image_seek', 'misc_events', 'microseconds', 'next_frame', 'notavail_file', 'seek_after_eos', ] executables = {} foreach exe_name : exe_names exe = executable( 'test_' + exe_name, files('tests/test_@[email protected]'.format(exe_name)), dependencies: lib_deps, link_with: libsxplayer, install: false, # pkg-config extra cflags don't apply to local executables, so we have to # transfer them manually. Alternatively, we could create a virtual # dependency and use it. # See for more information c_args: pkg_extra_cflags, ) executables += {exe_name: exe} endforeach tests = { 'Audio seek': {'test': 'audio_seek', 'args': [media]}, 'Audio': {'test': 'audio', 'args': [media]}, 'Combination audio': {'test': 'comb', 'args': [media, 0b100.to_string()]}, 'Combination audio+end': {'test': 'comb', 'args': [media, 0b110.to_string()]}, 'Combination audio+end+start': {'test': 'comb', 'args': [media, 0b111.to_string()]}, 'Combination audio+start': {'test': 'comb', 'args': [media, 0b101.to_string()]}, 'Combination video': {'test': 'comb', 'args': [media, 0b000.to_string()]}, 'Combination video+end': {'test': 'comb', 'args': [media, 0b010.to_string()]}, 'Combination video+end+start': {'test': 'comb', 'args': [media, 0b011.to_string()]}, 'Combination video+start': {'test': 'comb', 'args': [media, 0b001.to_string()]}, 'File not available': {'test': 'notavail_file'}, 'High refresh rate': {'test': 'high_refresh_rate', 'args': [media]}, 'Image Seek': {'test': 'image_seek', 'args': [image]}, 'Image': {'test': 'image', 'args': [image]}, 'Microseconds': {'test': 'microseconds', 'args': [media]}, 'Misc events image': {'test': 'misc_events', 'args': [image]}, 'Misc events media': {'test': 'misc_events', 'args': [media]}, 'Next frame': {'test': 'next_frame', 'args': [media]}, 'Seek after EOS audio': {'test': 'seek_after_eos', 'args': [media, 0b000.to_string()]}, 'Seek after EOS audio+end': {'test': 'seek_after_eos', 'args': [media, 0b010.to_string()]}, 'Seek after EOS audio+end+start': {'test': 'seek_after_eos', 'args': [media, 0b001.to_string()]}, 'Seek after EOS audio+start': {'test': 'seek_after_eos', 'args': [media, 0b011.to_string()]}, 'Seek after EOS video': {'test': 'seek_after_eos', 'args': [media, 0b100.to_string()]}, 'Seek after EOS video+end': {'test': 'seek_after_eos', 'args': [media, 0b110.to_string()]}, 'Seek after EOS video+end+start': {'test': 'seek_after_eos', 'args': [media, 0b101.to_string()]}, 'Seek after EOS video+start': {'test': 'seek_after_eos', 'args': [media, 0b111.to_string()]}, } foreach use_pkt_duration : [0, 1] foreach test_name, test_data : tests test_exe = executables.get(test_data.get('test')) test_args = test_data.get('args', []) if use_pkt_duration == 1 test_name += ' with packet duration' test_args += '1' endif test(test_name, test_exe, args: test_args, timeout: 60*60) endforeach endforeach endif